.jpg)
1.
"In
the
stillness
of
waiting,
we
find
hope
and
faith.
"
【等待中的静止中,我们找到希望和信仰。
】
2.
"Waiting
is
not
a
denial
of
the
present,
but
a
acknowledgement
of
the
future.
"
【等待并非否定现在,而是承认未来。
】
3.
"Patience
is
the
key
to
unlocking
the
treasures
of
life,
for
everything
comes
to
those
who
wait.
"
【耐心是打开生活宝藏的钥匙,因为所有的东西都会来到那些等待的人身边。
】
4.
"True
love
is
worth
waiting
for,
and
it
will
come
to
those
who
believe
and
have
faith.
"
【真正的爱值得等待,它会来到那些相信和有信仰的人身边。
】
5.
"The
beauty
of
life
lies
in
the
waiting,
for
every
moment
of
waiting
is
a
moment
of
anticipation
and
hope.
"
【生活之美在于等待,因为每一个等待的瞬间都是期待和希望的时刻。
】
6.
"Waiting
is
not
a
waste
of
time,
for
in
the
waiting
we
grow,
we
learn,
and
we
become
wiser.
"
【等待不是浪费时间,因为在等待中我们成长、学习,变得更加聪明。
】
7.
"Every
delay,
every
setback,
every
disappointment
is
a
step
closer
to
our
ultimate
destiny.
"
【每一次延迟、挫折、失望都是迈向我们最终命运的一步。
】
8.
"The
hardest
part
of
waiting
is
not
knowing
what
we
are
waiting
for,
but
trusting
that
it
will
come.
"
【等待中最难的部分不是不知道我们在等待什么,而是相信它会到来。
】
9.
"Waiting
is
an
act
of
faith,
for
we
trust
that
what
we
desire
will
come
to
us
in
due
time.
"
【等待是一种信仰的行为,因为我们相信我们所渴望的会在适当的时间到来。
】
10.
"As
we
wait
for
the
future
to
unfold
before
us,
let
us
not
forget
to
cherish
the
present,
for
it
is
a
gift.
"
【当我们等待未来展现在我们面前时,让我们不要忘记珍惜现在,因为它是一份礼物。
】
11.
"Waiting
may
be
painful,
but
it
is
necessary
for
growth
and
transformation.
"
【等待可能很痛苦,但它对于成长和转变是必要的。
】
12.
"Time
spent
waiting
is
never
wasted,
for
it
allows
us
to
reflect,
plan,
and
prepare
for
what
is
to
come.
"
【等待的时间从未浪费,因为它让我们反思、规划和为未来做准备。
】
13.
"The
act
of
waiting
reminds
us
that
we
are
not
in
control,
but
serves
as
a
reminder
of
our
own
vulnerability
and
dependence.
"
【等待的行为提醒我们,我们并不掌控一切,但也提醒我们自己的脆弱和依赖性。
】
14.
"Waiting
teaches
us
to
be
patient,
to
trust
in
the
process,
and
to
have
faith
in
ourselves
and
in
the
universe.
"
【等待教会我们要有耐心,相信过程,相信自己和宇宙。
】
15.
"The
longer
we
wait
for
something,
the
more
we
appreciate
it
when
it
finally
arrives.
"
【等待时间越长,最终到来时我们就越珍惜。
】
16.
"Waiting
is
an
opportunity
to
let
go
of
control
and
surrender
to
the
flow
of
life.
"
【等待是一个放弃控制,向生命之流顺从的机会。
】
17.
"The
beauty
of
waiting
is
that
it
allows
us
to
appreciate
the
journey,
not
just
the
destination.
"
【等待之美在于它让我们欣赏旅程,而不仅仅只是目的地。
】
18.
"Waiting
strengthens
our
character
and
shapes
us
into
the
person
we
are
meant
to
be.
"
【等待强化我们的性格,塑造我们成为我们注定要成为的人。
】
19.
"The
power
of
waiting
is
that
it
gives
us
a
chance
to
take
a
deep
breath
and
find
peace
within.
"
【等待的力量在于它给我们一个机会深呼吸,找到内心的平静。
】
20.
"Waiting
is
a
reminder
that
good
things
come
to
those
who
are
patient
and
persistent.
"
【等待提醒我们,好事情是给那些耐心和坚持的人的。
】