.jpg)
1.
"Pain
is
inevitable,
but
suffering
is
optional.
"
【#NeverGiveUp】
2.
"I
try
to
hide
the
pain
with
a
fake
smile,
but
it
only
makes
it
worse.
"
【#HidingFeelings】
3.
"Tears
are
words
the
heart
can't
express.
"
【#Heartbreak】
4.
"Love
is
the
most
beautiful
pain
you'll
ever
experience.
"
【#LoveHurts】
5.
"We
all
have
scars,
but
some
are
just
more
visible
than
others.
"
【#InvisiblePain】
6.
"It's
hard
to
forget
someone
who
gave
you
so
much
to
remember.
"
【#Memories】
7.
"Time
may
heal
all
wounds,
but
it
also
leaves
behind
its
own
scars.
"
【#HealingProcess】
8.
"Sometimes
the
hardest
thing
and
the
right
thing
are
the
same.
"
【#DifficultDecisions】
9.
"No
one
can
save
me
but
myself,
but
I'm
not
alone,
I'm
just
lonely.
"
【#SelfHealing】
10.
"Sometimes
the
people
who
hurt
us
the
most
are
the
ones
we
love
the
most.
"
【#LoveAndPain】
11.
"The
pain
of
letting
go
is
much
worse
than
the
pain
of
holding
on.
"
【#LettingGo】
12.
"Just
because
someone
doesn't
love
you
the
way
you
want
them
to,
doesn't
mean
they
don't
love
you
with
all
they
have.
"
【#LoveIsComplicated】
13.
"Scars
remind
us
of
where
we've
been,
but
they
don't
have
to
dictate
where
we're
going.
"
【#OvercomingObstacles】
14.
"The
darkness
within
is
just
as
intimidating
as
the
darkness
outside.
"
【#InnerDemons】
15.
"I'm
not
okay,
but
I'll
pretend
to
be
for
the
sake
of
everyone
else.
"
【#MaskingPain】
16.
"It's
okay
to
not
be
okay,
but
it's
not
okay
to
give
up.
"
【#StrengthThroughStruggle】
17.
"When
you're
going
through
hell,
keep
going.
"
【#Perseverance】
18.
"Broken
crayons
still
color.
"
【#Resilience】
19.
"The
only
way
to
truly
heal
is
to
acknowledge
the
pain
and
let
it
out.
"
【#TrueHealing】
20.
"In
the
end,
the
pain
makes
you
stronger,
wiser,
and
more
grateful
for
the
happy
moments.
"
【#LifeLessons】