.jpg)
1.
Laughter
is
the
sun
that
illuminates
our
darkest
days.
【笑声是照亮我们最阴暗的日子的太阳。
】
2.
Life
is
too
short
to
be
taken
seriously.
【生命太短,不应该被认真对待。
】
3.
good
laugh
is
like
a
ray
of
sunshine
on
a
cloudy
day.
【大笑像是多云日子里的一束阳光。
】
4.
Humor
is
the
great
equalizer,
it
bridges
gaps
of
class,
race,
and
culture.
【幽默是伟大的平等器,它能弥合阶级、种族和文化的鸿沟。
】
5.
Laughter
is
the
best
medicine,
especially
when
you're
feeling
under
the
weather.
【笑声是最好的药,尤其在你情绪低落时。
】
6.
Wit
is
the
sudden
marriage
of
ideas
which
before
their
union
were
not
perceived
to
have
any
relation.
【幽默是两个前后无法关联的想法的突然结合。
】
7.
Humor
is
a
universal
language
that
can
connect
people
all
around
the
world.
【幽默是一种通用的语言,可以连接世界各地的人。
】
8.
good
sense
of
humor
can
turn
an
ordinary
day
into
an
extraordinary
one.
【良好的幽默感可以让平凡的一天变得非凡。
】
9.
Life
has
many
ups
and
downs,
but
a
funny
perspective
can
make
the
ride
smoother.
【生命有许多高潮和低谷,但有一个幽默的视角可以让旅途更加顺畅。
】
10.
joke
is
a
powerful
tool
that
can
disarm
even
the
toughest
critics.
【笑话是一种强大的工具,可以打败甚至最顽固的批评家。
】
11.
well-timed
pun
is
a
thing
of
beauty.
【一个恰到好处的双关语是一件美丽的事情。
】
12.
good
laugh
can
bring
people
together,
no
matter
how
different
they
may
seem.
【愉快的笑声可以将人们聚在一起,无论他们看起来多么不同。
】
13.
Life
can
be
tough,
but
humor
helps
us
find
the
silver
lining
in
even
the
darkest
clouds.
【生活可能很艰难,但幽默可以帮助我们在最黑暗的云彩中找到一线阳光。
】
14.
witty
remark
can
turn
an
awkward
moment
into
a
memorable
one.
【一个机智的言论可以把一次尴尬瞬间变成一次难忘的体验。
】
15.
Laughter
is
contagious,
which
is
why
it's
important
to
surround
ourselves
with
people
who
make
us
laugh.
【笑声是具有传染性的,这就是为什么要与那些让我们开怀大笑的人为伍的重要性。
】
16.
good
sense
of
humor
can
make
even
the
toughest
situations
more
manageable.
【良好的幽默感可以让最艰难的情况变得更容易应对。
】
17.
sense
of
humor
is
a
gift
that
keeps
on
giving.
【幽默感是一份永恒的礼物。
】
18.
Life
is
too
short
to
take
everything
seriously,
so
go
ahead
and
laugh
a
little.
【生命太短,不要把一切都看得太严肃,所以放心大笑吧。
】
19.
Humor
is
like
a
spice
that
adds
flavor
to
life.
【幽默就像是给生命增添味道的香料。
】
20.
Laughter
is
the
music
that
can
bring
people
from
all
walks
of
life
together.
【笑声是一种音乐,可以让来自不同行业的人们聚在一起。
】