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1.
Sometimes
giving
up
on
life
seems
like
the
easiest
option.
【放弃生活,似乎是最简单的选择。
】
2.
Life
is
a
constant
struggle,
but
sometimes
it
feels
like
we're
fighting
a
losing
battle.
【生活是一个不断的挣扎,但有时我们感觉自己在打败仗。
】
3.
When
everything
you
do
feels
pointless,
it's
hard
to
see
the
point
in
carrying
on.
【当你做的一切感觉毫无意义时,很难看到继续的意义。
】
4.
Giving
up
on
life
can
seem
like
the
only
way
out
of
an
unbearable
situation.
【放弃生活似乎是摆脱无法忍受的局面的唯一出路。
】
5.
Sometimes
the
weight
of
life's
challenges
can
be
too
heavy
to
carry.
【有时生活的挑战太重,难以承担。
】
6.
It's
hard
to
persevere
when
everything
seems
to
be
going
wrong.
【当一切似乎都在出问题时,坚持下去很难。
】
7.
Surrendering
to
the
hardships
of
life
can
seem
like
the
most
sensible
choice.
【向生活的艰难投降似乎是最明智的选择。
】
8.
The
pain
of
trying
and
failing
can
be
too
much
to
bear.
【尝试失败的痛苦有时不堪重负。
】
9.
Sometimes
it's
hard
to
find
the
motivation
to
keep
going.
【有时很难找到继续前进的动力。
】
10.
Life
can
feel
like
a
constant
uphill
climb
with
no
end
in
sight.
【生活就像一条没有尽头的上坡路。
】
11.
It's
easy
to
lose
hope
in
the
face
of
life's
hardships.
【面对生活的艰难,很容易失去希望。
】
12.
When
it
seems
like
everything
is
falling
apart,
it's
hard
to
see
a
way
forward.
【当一切似乎都在崩塌时,很难看到前进的道路。
】
13.
Surrendering
to
the
struggles
of
life
can
seem
like
a
relief
from
the
burden
of
existence.
【向生活的艰苦投降似乎是摆脱生存负担的一种释放。
】
14.
Sometimes
the
weight
of
our
own
expectations
can
be
too
heavy
to
bear.
【有时我们自己期待太过沉重,难以承受。
】
15.
When
it
feels
like
we're
constantly
falling
short,
it's
hard
to
find
the
will
to
keep
trying.
【当我们总是做得不够好时,很难找到继续努力的意愿。
】
16.
Sometimes
it
feels
like
we're
trapped
in
a
cycle
of
pain
and
hardship
with
no
end
in
sight.
【有时感觉自己被困在一个没有尽头的痛苦和艰难的循环中。
】
17.
Giving
up
can
seem
like
the
easiest
way
to
avoid
the
pain
of
failure.
【放弃似乎是避免失败痛苦最简单的方式。
】
18.
When
we
feel
like
we
have
no
control
over
our
lives,
it's
hard
to
see
a
way
forward.
【当我们感觉自己对生活无法掌控时,很难找到前进的方向。
】
19.
Sometimes
it
feels
like
the
world
is
against
us,
and
no
matter
how
hard
we
try,
we
can't
win.
【有时感觉整个世界都在反对我们,无论我们多努力,也无法获胜。
】
20.
When
the
pain
of
life
seems
like
too
much
to
bear,
it's
natural
to
want
to
give
up.
【当生活的痛苦看似难以承受时,想要放弃是很自然的反应。
】