.jpg)
1.
Life
is
not
about
how
much
money
you
have,
but
how
much
love
you
give
and
receive.
【#LoveIsEverything】
2.
Being
poor
doesn't
define
your
worth
as
a
person,
your
heart
and
your
actions
do.
【#HeartOverMoney】
3.
True
love
is
not
measured
by
material
possessions,
but
by
the
depth
of
connection
between
two
souls.
【#Soulmates】
4.
No
matter
how
rich
you
are,
you
cannot
buy
the
happiness
and
warmth
that
comes
from
genuine
love.
【#TrueWealth】
5.
Money
can
buy
expensive
gifts,
but
it
can
never
purchase
the
true
affection
of
the
heart.
【#PricelessLove】
6.
Love
knows
no
boundaries
or
limitations,
unlike
money
which
has
its
own
limitations.
【#LimitlessLove】
7.
Being
poor
doesn't
mean
you
can't
love
or
be
loved.
Love
transcends
all
social
and
economic
barriers.
【#LoveConquersAll】
8.
poor
person
can
still
give
more
love
than
a
rich
one,
as
love
isn't
determined
by
one's
financial
status.
【#GiveLove】
9.
Love
is
the
currency
of
the
heart,
and
it's
worth
more
than
all
the
money
in
the
world.
【#PricelessCurrency】
10.
Love
can
make
a
person
feel
rich
beyond
their
wildest
dreams,
even
if
they
have
nothing
materialistic.
【#RichInLove】
11.
Loving
unconditionally
is
the
true
essence
of
love,
it
requires
no
monetary
exchange.
【#UnconditionalLove】
12.
Remember,
money
can
be
lost
or
gained
but
the
love
you
give
and
receive
lasts
forever.
【#EternalLove】
13.
The
true
essence
of
life
is
the
love
you
share,
not
the
possessions
you
own.
【#LifeLessons】
14.
rich
heart
is
worth
more
than
a
wealthy
bank
account.
【#HeartOfGold】
15.
Just
because
you
have
money
doesn't
mean
you
have
everything,
sometimes
the
most
important
things
in
life
are
free.
【#PricelessThings】
16.
Happiness
is
not
about
having
the
most
money,
but
having
the
most
fulfilling
relationships
in
life.
【#TrueHappiness】
17.
Love
requires
no
justification,
no
matter
what
your
social
status
is.
【#LoveHasNoBounds】
18.
Riches
come
and
go,
but
love
is
something
that
stays
with
you
forever.
【#ForeverLove】
19.
The
best
things
in
life
may
not
come
with
a
hefty
price
tag,
but
they
come
with
infinite
joy
and
bliss.
【#PricelessTreasures】
20.
Love
is
all
we
need
to
make
our
life
complete,
everything
else
is
just
icing
on
the
cake.
【#CompleteWithLove】