1.
"I
smile
to
hide
the
pain,
but
the
tears
are
never
far
behind.
"
【#HidingPain】
2.
"It's
hard
to
keep
pretending
everything
is
fine,
but
it's
harder
to
explain
why
you're
not.
"
【#Pretending】
3.
"I
wish
could
just
turn
off
my
feelings
sometimes,
but
can't.
"
【#Feelings】
4.
"When
the
heart
is
heavy,
the
tears
flow
freely.
"
【#Heartache】
5.
"I've
learned
that
sometimes
the
people
you
love
the
most
can
hurt
you
the
worst.
"
【#LoveHurt】
6.
"I
miss
the
person
used
to
be
before
all
the
pain
and
heartache.
"
【#MissingMyself】
7.
"Why
do
the
people
who
claim
to
love
me
always
leave
me
feeling
so
alone?"
【#FeelingAlone】
8.
"The
scars
on
my
heart
may
never
heal,
but
I'll
keep
trying
to
move
on.
"
【#Scars】
9.
"Sometimes
the
greatest
pain
comes
from
loving
someone
who
can't
love
you
back.
"
【#UnrequitedLove】
10.
"I
want
to
forget,
but
the
memories
keep
haunting
me.
"
【#Memories】
11.
"Love
shouldn't
hurt
this
much,
but
it
does.
"
【#LovePain】
12.
"I
feel
like
I'm
drowning
in
my
own
sorrow,
but
nobody
seems
to
notice.
"
【#Drowning】
13.
"The
hardest
part
is
pretending
like
I'm
okay
when
I'm
really
not.
"
【#PretendingAgain】
14.
"I've
become
numb
to
the
pain,
but
sometimes
it
all
comes
flooding
back.
"
【#Numbness】
15.
"Somedays
wish
could
just
escape
from
my
own
mind.
"
【#Escaping】
16.
"I
don't
know
how
to
heal
when
the
source
of
my
pain
is
still
present.
"
【#Healing】
17.
"I've
learned
that
sometimes
the
only
way
to
move
on
is
to
let
go.
"
【#LettingGo】
18.
"I
try
to
find
the
good
in
every
situation,
but
sometimes
it's
just
too
hard.
"
【#FindingTheGood】
19.
"I'm
tired
of
letting
people
walk
all
over
me
and
not
standing
up
for
myself.
"
【#StandingUp】
20.
"I
just
want
someone
to
hold
me
and
tell
me
everything
is
going
to
be
okay.
"
【#HoldMe】