.jpg)
1.
"Their
love
blossomed
in
the
shade
of
the
trees,
their
hearts
entwined
like
the
branches
above
them.
"
【爱情和树林一样,需要阳光和空气】
2.
"The
rustling
of
the
leaves
in
the
wind
was
the
background
score
to
their
love
story.
"
【两个人在这样的森林里,自然会很幸福】
3.
"As
they
strolled
hand
in
hand
through
the
forest,
the
trees
whispered
secrets
of
love
and
devotion
to
them.
"
【在这片森林里,他们永远会觉得很幸福】
4.
"In
the
midst
of
the
woods,
they
found
a
love
that
was
as
wild
and
free
as
the
creatures
who
called
it
home.
"
【爱情带给人无尽的想象空间】
5.
"The
tree
canopy
above
them
created
a
natural,
romantic
hideaway
for
their
love
to
bloom.
"
【他们把此时此刻留在心里,用来慰藉往后的日子】
6.
"Surrounded
by
towering
trees,
they
surrendered
themselves
to
a
love
that
was
as
deep
and
rooted
as
the
forest
floor.
"
【默默爱着一段岁月】
7.
"The
forest
stood
witness
to
their
love,
its
canopy
providing
a
shelter
from
the
stormy
world
outside.
"
【在这个状况不对的年代,万物都显得那么浮躁,在静谧的灯下,我的心有你一片安宁的氛围】
8.
"The
trees
bent
and
twisted
around
them,
a
reflection
of
the
way
their
love
had
grown
and
intertwined
over
the
years.
"
【爱情是没有时间限制的,不知何时,爱已经撑满了整个世界】
9.
"The
forest
was
their
playground,
and
their
love
was
the
biggest
adventure
they'd
ever
dared
to
embark
upon.
"
【在这样的世界里,只惧怕没有诚实相伴,没有了坦白也无法把握这份感情】
10.
"Amidst
a
sea
of
green,
they
found
a
love
that
was
evergreen
-
always
in
bloom,
even
during
the
coldest
of
winters.
"
【爱情,卉草枝头,花瓣一片片扎堆在一起,深浅慢快交织,是一份跟自然相等的自由】
11.
"Their
love
was
rooted
deep
within
the
forest,
a
bond
that
was
unbreakable,
unyielding,
and
forever-growing.
"
【你我只是草木匆匆的相遇,却忘不了那份感动】
12.
"The
forest
breathed
life
into
their
love,
and
their
love
breathed
life
into
the
forest.
"
【爱情能让我们不再为自私自利盲目谋略,学会了相互包容和理解】
13.
"The
trees
sheltered
them
from
the
harsh
realities
of
the
world,
providing
a
sanctuary
for
their
love
to
blossom.
"
【两个人在一起,都不知道该说些什么,但是能够相惜,想着周围的所有事,安静而快乐地离开】
14.
"Their
love
was
the
sweetest
melody
amidst
the
harmonious
symphony
of
the
forest.
"
【当我们拥有的越来越多时,我们的心态也越来越复杂,只有爱能真正带给我们给予内心的平静】
15.
"As
they
wandered
through
the
woods,
they
felt
the
embrace
of
the
forest's
love,
a
love
that
was
pure,
simple,
and
eternal.
"
【纵然有天大的风雨,两个人也要并肩走下去】
16.
"Their
love
for
each
other
was
as
strong
and
unyielding
as
the
roots
of
the
old
trees
that
surrounded
them.
"
【爱情是孤独的,有时让我们更寂寞,但是我们会在这样的岁月中,学会怎样勇敢地面对它】
17.
"In
the
forest,
they
found
a
love
that
was
as
old
as
the
earth
itself,
and
as
eternal
as
the
stars
above.
"
【其实,你我在自己的日记本里记录下一段感情时,它未必需要美丽、尤其也不需要纯粹】
18.
"Amidst
the
tall
trees,
they
discovered
a
love
that
was
bigger
than
the
world,
a
love
that
was
infinite,
limitless,
and
everlasting.
"
【因为爱情存在,所以万物生长,因为有了爱情,人们才能看到彼此眼中的世界】
19.
"The
forest
was
a
magical
place,
and
their
love
was
the
most
magical
thing
of
all.
"
【学会欣赏这人生百态,学会珍惜眼前的幸福,珍惜两个人相互搀扶的点点滴滴】
20.
"In
the
heart
of
the
forest,
they
found
a
love
that
was
pure
and
true,
a
love
that
resonated
deep
within
their
souls.
"
【爱情在当下,时光在从容,让我们勇敢面对生命的每一刻】