.jpg)
1.
"My
only
love
sprung
from
my
only
hate!
Too
early
seen
unknown,
and
known
too
late!"
【Romeo
and
Juliet】
2.
"Good
night,
good
night!
Parting
is
such
sweet
sorrow,
that
shall
say
good
night
till
it
be
morrow.
"
【Romeo
and
Juliet】
3.
"She
loved
me
for
the
dangers
had
passed,
and
loved
her
that
she
did
pity
them.
"
【Othello】
4.
"The
very
firstlings
of
my
heart
shall
be
the
very
firstlings
of
my
hand.
"
【Macbeth】
5.
"The
course
of
true
love
never
did
run
smooth.
"
【A
Midsummer
Night's
Dream】
6.
"Love
all,
trust
a
few,
do
wrong
to
none.
"
【All's
Well
That
Ends
Well】
7.
"Life's
but
a
walking
shadow,
a
poor
player
that
struts
and
frets
his
hour
upon
the
stage,
and
then
is
heard
no
more.
"
【Macbeth】
8.
"When
sorrows
come,
they
come
not
single
spies,
but
in
battalions.
"
【Hamlet】
9.
"The
miserable
have
no
other
medicine
but
only
hope.
"
【Measure
for
Measure】
10.
"Love
looks
not
with
the
eyes,
but
with
the
mind,
and
therefore
is
winged
Cupid
painted
blind.
"
【A
Midsummer
Night's
Dream】
11.
"All
the
world's
a
stage,
and
all
the
men
and
women
merely
players.
"
【As
You
Like
It】
12.
"The
web
of
our
life
is
of
a
mingled
yarn,
good
and
ill
together.
"
【All's
Well
That
Ends
Well】
13.
"Love
is
not
love
which
alters
when
it
alteration
finds.
"
【Sonnet
116】
14.
"I
have
no
other
but
a
woman's
reason:
think
him
so
because
think
him
so.
"
【The
Two
Gentlemen
of
Verona】
15.
"How
bitter
a
thing
it
is
to
look
into
happiness
through
another
man's
eyes!"
【As
You
Like
It】
16.
"I
am
one
who
loved
not
wisely
but
too
well.
"
【Othello】
17.
"O,
how
bitter
a
thing
it
is
to
look
into
happiness
through
another
man's
eyes!"
【As
You
Like
It】
18.
"To
be,
or
not
to
be:
that
is
the
question.
"
【Hamlet】
19.
"Love
is
a
smoke
made
with
the
fume
of
sighs.
"
【Romeo
and
Juliet】
20.
"We
are
such
stuff
as
dreams
are
made
on,
and
our
little
life
is
rounded
with
a
sleep.
"
【The
Tempest】