1.
"अहमस्मि
त्वयि
वास्तविकत्वम्"
-
am
yours
truly.
】
2.
"जगतः
प्रेमदात्री
त्वमेव
विश्वस्य
नेत्री
च"
-
You
are
the
giver
of
love
to
the
world,
the
eyes
of
the
universe.
】
3.
"न
त्वं
मरलोके
मे
सङ्गतिः
अस्ति"
-
You
are
not
just
a
companion
in
this
mortal
world,
but
a
soulmate.
】
4.
"जगत्पतिरसि
त्वं
ममापराधः
क्षमस्व"
-
You
are
the
lord
of
the
world
and
my
only
forgiveness.
】
5.
"अहं
तव
अहम्
त्वमिति
प्रेम
सम्बन्धं
वदन्ति"
-
Love
speaks
in
the
language
of
"I
am
yours
and
you
are
mine".
】
6.
"जल्पिषू
न
तर्कति
भक्तिराम्बोजाः"
-
True
devotion
transcends
the
need
for
argument
or
debate.
】
7.
"प्रेमात्सुखं
खलु
मनसी
संविभज्यतां"
-
Love
is
meant
to
be
shared
and
experienced
through
the
heart.
】
8.
"जयत्वं
योषितां
नापि
जयतेऽन्यत्र
कस्यचित्"
-
You
are
victorious
over
all
women
and
unbeatable
by
anyone
else.
】
9.
"सत्यं
बोधयितुं
त्वद्यत्नो
महानस्ति"
-
The
great
effort
to
teach
and
learn
truth
is
at
your
hand.
】
10.
"यदज्ञाने
त्वमहं
जानामि
सर्वं
तत्
विद्यते"
-
Where
there
is
knowledge,
know
everything
exists,
including
you.
】
11.
"तत्त्वं
बोधयतु
नः
प्रभु
श्रीमन्"
-
Enlighten
us
on
what
is
truth,
Lord.
】
12.
"बहुमतों
न
त्वत्क्रियाः
सम्पत्तिरस्ति
वैभवा"
-
Your
actions
are
not
based
on
popular
beliefs,
but
rather
your
own
greatness.
】
13.
"त्वत्तो
किं
वार्यमस्ति
मोहं
गतं"
-
What
fear
or
delusion
exists
when
have
you
with
me?】
14.
"सन्तरेसु
मम
तेरयोह
न
वर्ततेत्"
-
When
we
are
apart,
long
for
you.
】
15.
"विदास्यांस्तवमेव
मम
मदिरा
चिरञ्जीवितम्"
-
Your
love
is
my
longest-lasting
pleasure.
】
16.
"प्रेम
एव
हि
जीवनस्य
रत्नमस्ति
तु"
-
Love
alone
is
the
jewel
of
life.
】
17.
"नैराश्यं
मम
तव
प्रीतिरेव"
-
Your
love
is
my
only
hope.
】
18.
"शान्तस्य
चरितस्त्वमसि
सर्व
स्वस्थो"
-
You
are
the
exemplar
of
peace
and
my
everything.
】
19.
"तन्द्रीकरत्वं
न
त्वयि
मम
दृश्यते"
-
With
you,
never
feel
sleepy
or
bored.
】
20.
"सत्य
त्वं
मम
जीवनस्य
रत्नम्"
-
You
are
the
truth
and
the
jewel
of
my
life.
】