.jpg)
1.
"I
am
alone
in
the
world,
yet
not
alone
enough
to
make
every
moment
holy.
"
【Loneliness】
2.
"I
have
many
faults,
and
am
grateful
that
you
chose
to
love
me
despite
them.
"
【Gratitude】
3.
"I
don't
believe
in
miracles,
rely
on
them.
"
【Hope】
4.
"To
truly
laugh,
you
must
be
able
to
take
your
pain
and
play
with
it.
"
【Humor】
5.
"I
have
had
many
troubles
in
my
life,
but
the
worst
of
them
never
came.
"
【Optimism】
6.
"In
the
end,
everything
falls
into
place.
Until
then,
laugh
at
the
confusion,
live
for
the
moments,
and
know
everything
happens
for
a
reason.
"
【Faith】
7.
"I
am
not
a
man,
am
Charlie
Chaplin.
"
【Identity】
8.
"A
day
without
laughter
is
a
day
wasted.
"
【Happiness】
9.
"Our
greatest
glory
is
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
【Resilience】
10.
"I
always
like
walking
in
the
rain,
so
no
one
can
see
me
crying.
"
【Sadness】
11.
"I
am
what
am:
an
individual,
unique
and
different,
with
a
lineal
history
of
an
ancestral
promptings
and
urgings.
"
【Individuality】
12.
"As
began
to
love
myself,
found
that
anguish
and
emotional
suffering
are
only
warning
signs
that
was
living
against
my
own
truth.
"
【Self-love】
13.
"I
remain
just
one
thing,
and
one
thing
only,
and
that
is
a
clown.
It
places
me
on
a
far
higher
plane
than
any
politician.
"
【Humility】
14.
"To
help
a
friend
in
need
is
easy,
but
to
give
him
your
time
is
not
always
opportune.
"
【Friendship】
15.
"The
saddest
thing
can
imagine
is
to
get
used
to
luxury.
"
【Simplicity】
16.
"Life
is
a
tragedy
when
seen
in
close-up,
but
a
comedy
in
long-shot.
"
【Perspective】
17.
"I
have
fallen
in
love
with
the
imagination.
And
if
you
fall
in
love
with
the
imagination,
you
understand
that
it
is
a
free
spirit.
It
will
go
anywhere,
and
it
can
do
anything.
"
【Creativity】
18.
"We
think
too
much
and
feel
too
little.
"
【Mindfulness】
19.
"The
mirror
is
my
best
friend
because
when
cry
it
never
laughs.
"
【Self-reflection】
20.
"You
need
power
only
when
you
want
to
do
something
harmful,
otherwise,
love
is
enough
to
get
everything
done.
"
【Love】