.jpg)
1.
Every
day
wake
up
grateful
for
the
people
in
my
life
who
make
me
feel
loved
and
supported.
【感恩每天拥有这些让我感到被爱和支持的人】
2.
With
every
hug,
every
word
of
encouragement,
and
every
thoughtful
gesture,
my
friends
remind
me
that
am
worthy
of
love.
【每一个拥抱、鼓励和细心的举动都让我感到自己值得爱】
3.
It's
amazing
how
much
brighter
life
becomes
when
you
have
people
who
truly
care
about
you
by
your
side.
【当你身边有真正关心你的人时,生活的阳光会变得格外灿烂】
4.
One
of
the
greatest
gifts
in
life
is
having
someone
who
knows
you
inside
and
out,
and
still
accepts
and
loves
you
unconditionally.
【在这个世上,最好的礼物之一就是有一个深入了解你并无条件接受和爱你的人】
5.
To
have
a
friend
who
can
make
you
laugh
through
the
tough
times
and
cry
tears
of
joy
during
the
good
times
is
truly
special.
【有一个朋友,他能在困难时让你笑,快乐时让你喜极而泣,这种感觉是非常特别的】
6.
When
life
gets
tough,
it's
the
people
who
love
us
who
help
us
get
through.
【当生活变得艰难,是爱我们的人帮助我们走过难关】
7.
True
friends
are
the
ones
who
see
the
best
in
us,
even
when
we
can't
see
it
in
ourselves.
【真正的朋友能看到我们最好的一面,即使我们自己也无法看到】
8.
Love
is
the
foundation
of
all
true
friendships.
Without
it,
relationships
begin
to
crumble.
【爱是所有真正友谊的基础,没有它,关系会逐渐崩溃】
9.
To
have
someone
in
your
life
who
you
know
will
always
be
there,
no
matter
what,
is
a
priceless
gift.
【拥有一个你知道他/她会永远在你身边的人,无论发生什么,都是一份难得的礼物】
10.
true
friend
is
someone
who
will
drop
everything
to
be
there
for
you
when
you
need
them
most.
【真正的朋友是在你最需要他们的时候抛开一切来陪伴你的人】
11.
Holding
hands
with
a
friend,
feeling
their
warmth
and
support,
can
make
all
the
difference
in
the
world.
【和一位朋友牵手,感受他们的温暖和支持,可以改变整个世界】
12.
When
you
have
someone
who
loves
you
unconditionally,
you
can
be
yourself
without
fear
of
judgment
or
rejection.
【当你有一个无条件爱你的人,你可以做真实的自己,不用担心被评判或拒绝】
13.
Love
and
friendship
are
two
sides
of
the
same
coin.
You
cannot
have
one
without
the
other.
【爱和友谊是同一个硬币的两个面,你不能没有其中之一】
14.
The
greatest
joy
in
life
comes
from
the
deep
connections
we
form
with
the
people
we
love.
【生命中最大的快乐来自于和我们爱的人建立深刻的联系】
15.
We
all
need
someone
to
lean
on
from
time
to
time.
That's
why
having
friends
who
love
and
support
us
is
so
important.
【我们都需要有人支撑,那就一定需要有爱和支持我们的朋友】
16.
Having
someone
to
celebrate
our
achievements
with,
and
who
will
cheer
us
on
when
we
fail,
is
what
makes
life
worth
living.
【有人与我们一起庆祝成就,失败时会为我们打气,这是生命的价值所在】
17.
true
friend
will
never
judge
you,
criticize
you,
or
make
you
feel
bad
about
yourself.
They
will
only
lift
you
up
and
make
you
feel
loved.
【真正的朋友永远不会判断你、批评你或让你感觉糟糕,他们只会抬高你,让你感受到爱】
18.
Love
and
friendship
are
not
things
we
find,
but
rather
things
we
cultivate
over
time.
【爱和友谊并不是我们找到的东西,而是随着时间的推移逐渐培养的】
19.
To
be
surrounded
by
genuine,
caring,
and
loving
friends
is
one
of
life's
greatest
blessings.
【被真诚、关心和充满爱心的朋友包围是生命中最大的祝福之一】
20.
At
the
end
of
the
day,
it's
the
people
we
love
and
who
love
us
that
make
everything
worthwhile.
【最终,让人物有价值的是我们所爱的人和爱我们的人】