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1.
“Our
love
is
as
strong
as
a
rock,
unshakable
and
enduring.
”【爱情如石头般坚固不移】
2.
“In
your
eyes,
see
a
reflection
of
myself,
smooth
and
polished
like
a
pebble.
”【你的眼中,我看到了自己,如砾石一般光滑】
3.
“Every
time
hold
your
hand,
feel
like
I’m
touching
a
smooth
stone,
soothing
and
comforting.
”【每次握着你的手,我感觉就像触摸着一颗光滑的石头,舒缓又安慰】
4.
“Our
love
story
is
set
in
stone,
written
in
the
stars,
and
everlasting.
”【我们的爱情故事如石头雕刻,星星闪烁,永不磨灭】
5.
“Just
like
how
a
river
smooths
out
a
rough
pebble,
your
love
has
polished
me
into
my
best
self.
”【就像河水将石子打磨般,你的爱使我光彩照人】
6.
“I
want
to
build
our
love
on
a
foundation
of
solid
rock,
unbreakable
and
unwavering.
”【我想建立我们的爱情基石,坚如磐石,岿然不动】
7.
“Our
love
may
have
faced
obstacles,
but
we
are
like
two
rocks
that
have
weathered
the
storm
together.
”【我们的爱情曾面临困难,但我们像两颗石头一样一同经历风雨】
8.
“Your
love
is
like
a
precious
gemstone
to
me,
rare
and
priceless,
and
something
will
always
cherish.
”【你的爱情像一颗珍贵的宝石,划世珍稀,我会一直珍惜】
9.
“As
two
separate
stones
may
not
seem
significant,
together
they
can
be
used
to
build
a
castle.
”【两粒石头看起来可能不重要,但一起却可以打造一个城堡】
10.
“Just
like
how
a
diamond
needs
to
be
cut
and
polished
to
uncover
its
beauty,
love
needs
to
be
nurtured
to
flourish.
”【钻石需要切割和打磨才能展现其美丽,爱情也需要被呵护才能茁壮成长】
11.
“Our
love
is
solid
like
a
rock,
but
it
is
also
as
beautiful
and
intricate
as
the
crystals
found
in
a
geode.
”【我们的爱情像一块固若磐石的石头,但也像矿物晶体般美丽复杂】
12.
“Just
like
how
a
rock
is
carved
by
waves
into
a
unique
shape,
our
love
has
been
shaped
by
our
experiences
and
challenges.
”【石头被波涛雕刻成独特的形状,我们的爱情也随着经历和挑战而被塑造】
13.
“My
love
for
you
is
like
a
river,
flowing
smoothly
over
the
rough
rocks
of
life.
”【我对你的爱如一条河流,在生活的坎坷中流淌】
14.
“As
two
stones
that
fit
perfectly
together,
our
love
completes
each
other
like
a
puzzle.
”【像两块恰好配对的石头,我们的爱像一个拼图一样互相补充】
15.
“A
gemstone
may
be
beautiful
on
its
own,
but
it
truly
sparkles
when
it
is
paired
with
another
gem.
”【宝石自己会很漂亮,但只有和另一颗宝石组合在一起才会有耀眼的光彩】
16.
“Our
love
is
like
a
sculpture,
each
curve
and
line
carefully
crafted
to
perfection.
”【我们的爱恰如雕塑,每个曲线和线条都精心打磨,达到完美】
17.
“Just
like
how
a
rock
can
hold
up
a
bridge,
your
love
holds
me
up
through
the
toughest
of
times.
”【像石头支撑着桥梁一样,你的爱支撑着我度过难关】
18.
“Our
love
is
like
a
beacon
of
light
on
a
rocky
shore,
guiding
us
through
the
darkness
and
uncertainty.
”【我们的爱情如岩石海岸上的灯塔,指引我们走过黑暗和不确定】
19.
“Your
love
is
the
anchor
that
keeps
me
grounded
and
steady,
like
a
rock
in
turbulent
waters.
”【你的爱情是让我保持平稳的锚,像一颗巍然不动的石头在动荡的水中】
20.
“Just
like
how
a
stone
can
skip
across
a
lake
and
leave
ripples
in
its
wake,
our
love
has
a
ripple
effect
on
those
around
us.
”【像石头跳过湖面留下涟漪一样,我们的爱也会影响周围的人】