1.
"Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
"
-
Winston
Churchill.
【#StayStrong】
2.
"Believe
you
can
and
you're
halfway
there.
"
-
Theodore
Roosevelt.
【#NeverGiveUp】
3.
"Don't
watch
the
clock;
do
what
it
does.
Keep
going.
"
-
Sam
Levenson.
【#KeepPushing】
4.
"Success
seems
to
be
connected
with
action.
Successful
people
keep
moving.
They
make
mistakes,
but
they
don't
quit.
"
-
Conrad
Hilton.
【#ActionSpeaksLouder】
5.
"I
have
not
failed.
I've
just
found
10,000
ways
that
won't
work.
"
-
Thomas
A.
Edison.
【#NeverLoseHope】
6.
"The
only
place
where
success
comes
before
work
is
in
the
dictionary.
"
-
Vidal
Sassoon.
【#HardWorkPaysOff】
7.
"Success
is
not
the
key
to
happiness.
Happiness
is
the
key
to
success.
If
you
love
what
you
are
doing,
you
will
be
successful.
"
-
Albert
Schweitzer.
【#FollowYourPassion】
8.
"Success
is
to
be
measured
not
so
much
by
the
position
that
one
has
reached
in
life
as
by
the
obstacles
which
he
has
overcome.
"
-
Booker
T.
Washington.
【#OvercomeChallenges】
9.
"Success
is
not
about
being
the
best.
It's
about
always
getting
better.
"
-
Behdad
Sami.
【#ContinuousImprovement】
10.
"Success
is
not
a
destination,
it's
a
journey.
"
-
Zig
Ziglar.
【#EnjoyTheJourney】
11.
"Our
greatest
weakness
lies
in
giving
up.
The
most
certain
way
to
succeed
is
always
to
try
just
one
more
time.
"
-
Thomas
A.
Edison.
【#Perseverance】
12.
"Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it's
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
"
-
Vince
Lombardi.
【#StayBrave】
13.
"Success
is
the
sum
of
small
efforts,
repeated
day
in
and
day
out.
"
-
Robert
Collier.
【#ConsistencyIsKey】
14.
"Success
is
not
the
absence
of
failure;
it's
the
persistence
through
failure.
"
-
Aisha
Tyler.
【#LearnFromMistakes】
15.
"Success
is
not
what
you
have,
but
who
you
are.
"
-
Bo
Bennet.
【#BeTrueToYourself】
16.
"Success
is
not
measured
by
what
you
accomplish,
but
by
the
opposition
you
have
encountered,
and
the
courage
with
which
you
have
maintained
the
struggle
against
overwhelming
odds.
"
-
Orison
Swett
Marden.
【#CourageIsEverything】
17.
"Success
is
not
easy,
but
it
is
worth
it.
"
-
Lily
Collins.
【#KeepOnTrying】
18.
"Success
is
not
a
matter
of
luck,
it's
a
matter
of
choice.
"
-
William
Jennings
Bryan.
【#MakeTheRightChoices】
19.
"Success
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
"
-
Ben
Sweetland.
【#EnjoyTheProcess】
20.
"Success
is
not
just
what
you
accomplish
in
your
life,
it’s
about
what
you
inspire
others
to
do.
"
-
Unknown.
【#InspireOthers】