.jpg)
1.
Being
a
parent
is
tough,
but
it's
also
the
most
rewarding
job
you'll
ever
have.
【照顾孩子和生活】
2.
Some
days,
all
you
can
do
is
take
it
one
step
at
a
time.
【照顾孩子和生活】
3.
Life
with
kids
is
never
dull,
but
it
can
be
exhausting.
【照顾孩子和生活】
4.
Finding
time
for
yourself
is
crucial,
even
if
it
means
just
taking
a
few
minutes
to
breathe.
【照顾孩子和生活】
5.
Remembering
to
enjoy
the
little
moments
can
make
the
chaos
worth
it.
【照顾孩子和生活】
6.
It's
okay
to
ask
for
help.
No
one
can
do
it
all
on
their
own.
【照顾孩子和生活】
7.
Making
time
for
date
nights,
alone
time,
or
girl's
night
out
is
essential
for
mental
health.
【照顾孩子和生活】
8.
Be
flexible,
because
plans
rarely
go
as
expected
with
children
around.
【照顾孩子和生活】
9.
Embrace
the
mess
because
it
usually
means
the
kids
are
having
fun.
【照顾孩子和生活】
10.
It's
important
to
take
care
of
yourself,
too.
You
can't
pour
from
an
empty
cup.
【照顾孩子和生活】
11.
Kids
grow
up
so
fast,
cherish
every
moment.
【照顾孩子和生活】
12.
Some
days,
all
you
can
do
is
survive
until
bedtime.
【照顾孩子和生活】
13.
Don't
compare
your
parenting
journey
to
anyone
else's.
Every
family
is
different.
【照顾孩子和生活】
14.
Your
best
might
not
be
perfect,
but
your
kids
don't
need
perfect.
They
need
you.
【照顾孩子和生活】
15.
Remember
to
have
fun
and
be
silly.
Laughter
is
good
for
the
soul.
【照顾孩子和生活】
16.
It's
okay
to
let
the
housework
go
sometimes.
Spend
time
with
your
kids.
【照顾孩子和生活】
17.
Take
breaks
when
you
need
to.
It's
okay
to
put
the
kids
in
front
of
the
for
a
bit
while
you
regroup.
【照顾孩子和生活】
18.
Be
kind
to
yourself.
Parenting
is
hard
work.
【照顾孩子和生活】
19.
Remember
that
every
stage
passes
quickly.
Soak
it
all
in.
【照顾孩子和生活】
20.
The
love
you
give
your
children
is
worth
all
the
sacrifices.
【照顾孩子和生活】