.jpg)
1.
Life
may
bring
us
down
but
it's
the
strength
we
gain
from
overcoming
those
failures
that
truly
shapes
us
into
who
we
are
today.
【挫折使人成长】
2.
Often
times,
we
need
to
fail
in
order
to
truly
appreciate
our
successes.
【失败是成功之母】
3.
The
struggles
we
experience
in
life
shouldn't
be
viewed
as
setbacks,
but
rather
as
necessary
steps
that
lead
us
towards
our
ultimate
goals.
【经历挫折,向目标进发】
4.
In
order
to
truly
blossom,
we
must
first
weather
the
storm.
【经受磨难,方见成长】
5.
Falling
down
isn't
a
sign
of
defeat,
it's
a
sign
of
courage
to
get
back
up
and
try
again.
【跌倒并非失败,重头再来才是勇敢】
6.
The
tough
times
in
our
lives
are
what
make
the
good
days
even
more
precious.
【困难是珍贵经历的烙印】
7.
It's
not
about
how
many
times
we
fall
down,
it's
about
how
many
times
we
get
back
up
and
keep
moving
forward.
【掉下去有什么关系,重要的是站起来】
8.
Life
doesn't
always
give
us
what
we
want,
but
it
always
gives
us
what
we
need.
【生活之路弯弯曲曲,但总有出路】
9.
It's
okay
to
fail,
as
long
as
we're
learning
from
those
failures
and
growing
as
individuals.
【失败并不可怕,从失败中成长才是最重要的】
10.
The
road
to
success
is
paved
with
obstacles,
but
those
obstacles
are
what
make
the
destination
all
the
more
sweet.
【成功路上有坑坑洼洼,但艰辛值得追求】
11.
We
may
stumble
and
fall,
but
it's
the
determination
to
keep
going
that
will
ultimately
lead
us
to
success.
【跌倒不要紧,只要不断前行】
12.
Embracing
failure
is
the
key
to
unlocking
our
true
potential.
【接受失败,开启潜力之门】
13.
It's
during
the
times
of
hardship
that
we
discover
our
true
strength
and
resilience.
【逆境中方显坚韧】
14.
Every
failure
we
experience
is
simply
a
stepping
stone
on
the
path
towards
success.
【每次失败都是跨过成功之门的台阶】
15.
We
can't
control
the
obstacles
that
come
our
way,
but
we
can
control
how
we
choose
to
respond
to
them.
【挫折无法避免,而我们可以选择积极应对】
16.
The
journey
towards
success
is
never
an
easy
one,
but
it's
always
worth
it
in
the
end.
【成功之路充满艰辛,但收获埋藏其中】
17.
Our
mistakes
may
define
us
in
the
moment,
but
it's
how
we
choose
to
move
forward
that
defines
us
in
the
end.
【错误仅是瞬间的定论,行动才是关键】
18.
little
bit
of
defeat
can
inspire
us
to
push
ourselves
to
new
heights.
【一点失败会激励我们去更高处追赶】
19.
Falling
down
is
never
permanent,
as
long
as
we
have
the
courage
to
get
back
up
and
try
again.
【跌倒只是一时失足,不失勇气再战】
20.
The
greatest
growth
occurs
when
we
step
outside
of
our
comfort
zones
and
take
risks,
even
if
those
risks
lead
to
failure.
【勇敢冒险,走出安逸区,成长的可能性无限】