1.
"I
try
to
approach
every
situation
with
empathy
and
understanding
rather
than
anger
or
frustration.
"
【高情商的人】
2.
"I
know
that
my
emotions
are
my
own
responsibility
and
strive
to
regulate
them
in
a
healthy
way.
"
【高情商的人】
3.
"I
always
seek
to
communicate
clearly
and
respectfully,
even
in
challenging
conversations.
"
【高情商的人】
4.
"I
realize
that
everyone
has
their
own
perspective
and
am
open
to
listening
and
learning
from
others.
"
【高情商的人】
5.
"I
make
a
point
to
prioritize
self-care
and
take
breaks
when
need
them
to
stay
emotionally
balanced.
"
【高情商的人】
6.
"I
try
to
make
decisions
based
on
logic
and
reason,
rather
than
solely
on
emotion.
"
【高情商的人】
7.
"I
understand
the
importance
of
boundaries
and
communicate
them
clearly
to
protect
my
own
emotional
well-being.
"
【高情商的人】
8.
"I
approach
conflicts
as
opportunities
for
growth
and
strive
to
find
win-win
solutions
for
all
parties
involved.
"
【高情商的人】
9.
"I
am
aware
of
my
own
biases
and
work
to
challenge
them
in
order
to
see
situations
more
objectively.
"
【高情商的人】
10.
"I
understand
the
power
of
positive
affirmations
and
make
a
point
to
practice
self-talk
that
uplifts
and
encourages
me.
"
【高情商的人】
11.
"I
am
able
to
recognize
when
am
feeling
overwhelmed
and
take
steps
to
manage
my
stress
in
a
healthy
way.
"
【高情商的人】
12.
"I
strive
to
be
patient,
kind,
and
understanding
with
others,
even
when
they
may
not
be
exhibiting
those
qualities
themselves.
"
【高情商的人】
13.
"I
am
able
to
separate
my
own
emotions
from
those
of
others
and
respond
in
a
way
that
is
appropriate
and
productive.
"
【高情商的人】
14.
"I
understand
that
mistakes
and
failures
are
opportunities
for
growth
and
do
not
define
my
worth
as
a
person.
"
【高情商的人】
15.
"I
practice
empathy
by
putting
myself
in
others'
shoes
and
attempting
to
understand
their
perspective.
"
【高情商的人】
16.
"I
make
a
point
to
express
gratitude
and
appreciation
for
the
positive
things
in
my
life,
no
matter
how
small.
"
【高情商的人】
17.
"I
take
responsibility
for
my
actions
and
strive
to
make
amends
when
have
harmed
others.
"
【高情商的人】
18.
"I
am
able
to
recognize
when
my
own
emotions
may
be
clouding
my
judgment
and
take
steps
to
gain
clarity
and
perspective.
"
【高情商的人】
19.
"I
approach
challenges
and
obstacles
with
a
growth
mindset,
knowing
that
have
the
ability
to
learn
and
improve.
"
【高情商的人】
20.
"I
believe
in
the
power
of
vulnerability
and
am
willing
to
be
honest
and
open
about
my
own
struggles
and
shortcomings.
"
【高情商的人】