1.
Remember
to
always
keep
a
smile
on
your
face,
it's
the
easiest
way
to
spread
warmth
to
others.
【温暖的微笑,让人感觉不冷不热】
2.
Laughter
really
is
the
best
medicine,
so
go
on
and
spread
some
joy
with
your
humor.
【开怀大笑,最好的疗愈方法】
3.
Life
is
too
short
to
take
everything
seriously,
so
don't
forget
to
have
some
fun
along
the
way.
【人生苦短,莫要太认真,多点乐趣】
4.
Kindness
and
humor
go
hand
in
hand,
so
be
sure
to
sprinkle
them
both
wherever
you
go.
【温暖的善良,幽默相伴】
5.
There's
nothing
more
attractive
than
a
person
who
can
make
you
laugh,
don't
be
afraid
to
be
that
person.
【幽默的人最有魅力,你可以是那个人】
6.
When
in
doubt,
always
try
to
approach
situations
with
kindness
and
laughter.
【不确定的时候,用善良和笑声来迎接】
7.
little
bit
of
humor
can
go
a
long
way,
especially
during
tough
times.
【在困难时刻,一点点幽默足以温暖心房】
8.
Don't
be
afraid
to
laugh
at
yourself,
it's
a
great
way
to
show
that
you
don't
take
life
too
seriously.
【不要害怕自嘲,这是表现不会过于认真的好方式】
9.
Humor
can
help
us
see
the
bright
side
of
things,
even
in
the
darkest
moments.
【在最黑暗的时刻,幽默可以让我们看到光明的一面】
10.
Laughter
is
contagious,
so
spread
it
to
everyone
around
you.
【笑声是具有传染性的,让周围的人都能感染】
11.
Life
is
full
of
ups
and
downs,
but
humor
can
help
us
navigate
through
the
lows.
【生活充满起伏,但幽默可以帮助我们度过低谷】
12.
Making
others
laugh
is
a
gift,
use
it
wisely
and
with
kindness.
【把欢笑带给别人是一份礼物,用好它,让它体现温暖】
13.
Don't
forget
to
laugh
at
the
absurdities
of
life,
it
makes
the
journey
all
the
more
interesting.
【别忘了为人生的荒谬举哑剧,让旅程更加有趣】
14.
Humor
can
break
down
barriers
and
bring
people
closer
together.
【幽默可以打破隔阂,让人们更加接近】
15.
sense
of
humor
can
make
even
the
most
mundane
tasks
enjoyable.
【即便再平凡的任务,也能因幽默而变得有趣】
16.
Life
is
better
with
laughter,
so
surround
yourself
with
people
who
bring
you
joy
and
humor.
【有了欢声笑语,人生更美好,因此要和给你带来欢乐和幽默的人在一起】
17.
Humor
can
be
a
great
tool
to
diffuse
tense
situations,
use
it
wisely.
【幽默可以缓解紧张的局面,但要善加运用】
18.
Laughing
together
can
create
unforgettable
memories,
so
cherish
them.
【一同欢笑,创下难忘回忆,记住那份温暖】
19.
Humor
can
be
a
great
way
to
connect
with
strangers,
so
don't
be
afraid
to
be
the
first
to
make
a
joke.
【幽默可以连接陌生人,因此勇于先开个玩笑】
20.
Remember
to
always
be
kind
and
gentle
with
your
humor,
it's
a
great
way
to
spread
love
and
warmth.
【用幽默表达善良和温柔,是一份爱的表达和温暖的给予】