.jpg)
1.
"Sorry
guys,
my
fingers
are
feeling
extra
lazy
today
so
no
updates
for
now.
"
【#lazyupdate】
2.
"I
should
really
post
something
but
napping
sounds
so
much
better.
"
【#sorrynotsorry】
3.
"If
had
a
dollar
for
every
time
contemplated
posting
on
social
media.
.
.
I'd
still
be
broke
because
I'm
too
lazy.
"
【#socialmediaslacker】
4.
"I
need
a
personal
assistant
to
post
my
updates
for
me.
"
【#dreambig】
5.
"I'll
post
something
tomorrow.
Maybe.
"
【#procrastinationqueen】
6.
"Real
talk:
am
too
lazy
to
even
think
of
a
caption
to
accompany
my
post.
"
【#captionblock】
7.
"I'm
not
avoiding
social
media,
I'm
just
choosing
to
be
unproductive.
"
【#lazylife】
8.
"If
anyone
is
wondering
why
haven't
posted
in
a
while,
it's
because
Netflix
exists.
"
【#bingewatching】
9.
"I
swear
I'll
post
something
soon,
but
need
my
coffee
first.
"
【#caffeineaddict】
10.
"Why
post
when
you
can
just
lurk
on
everyone
else's
updates?"
【#socialmedialurker】
11.
"I
should
really
post
something
motivational
right
now
but
my
bed
is
just
too
comfy.
"
【#motivationfail】
12.
"I'll
get
around
to
posting
eventually.
.
.
right
after
this
nap.
"
【#sleepyhead】
13.
"My
mind
is
too
busy
being
lazy
to
come
up
with
a
witty
post
idea.
"
【#lazymind】
14.
"I'd
rather
be
doing
literally
anything
else
than
posting
on
social
media
right
now.
"
【#procrastinationpro】
15.
"Sorry
for
the
lack
of
updates,
this
couch
has
a
magnetic
hold
on
me.
"
【#couchpotato】
16.
"If
had
to
choose
between
posting
on
social
media
or
eating
pizza,
you
know
what
I'd
choose.
"
【#priorities】
17.
"I'd
post
more
often
if
it
weren't
for
my
chronic
case
of
laziness.
"
【#lazylife】
18.
"I'm
not
avoiding
social
media,
I'm
just
embracing
my
inner
chill.
"
【#chillvibes】
19.
"To
post
or
not
to
post?
That
is
the
question.
.
.
that
will
answer
later.
"
【#indecisive】
20.
"I'll
attempt
to
post
something
today,
but
no
promises
since
my
laziness
is
at
an
all-time
high.
"
【#lazystruggles】