.jpg)
1.
is
in
the
air,
just
don't
forget
to
bring
an
oxygen
tank
【笑】
2.
Love
is
like
a
fart,
if
you
have
to
force
it,
it's
probably
shit
【哈哈】
3.
Love
is
like
a
roller
coaster
ride,
sometimes
you're
screaming
in
terror,
sometimes
you're
laughing
hysterically
【微笑】
4.
Love
is
trying
to
decide
which
item
to
throw
away
when
you're
downsizing
because
you
both
have
the
same
sentimental
attachment
to
everything
【大笑】
5.
Love
is
being
able
to
laugh
together
when
one
of
you
farts
during
sex
【爆笑】
6.
Love
is
like
a
puzzle,
sometimes
all
the
pieces
fit
together
perfectly,
other
times
you
have
to
force
them
into
place
【调皮】
7.
Love
is
giving
your
partner
the
last
slice
of
pizza
even
though
you
really
want
it
【眨眼】
8.
Love
is
like
a
game
of
dodgeball,
sometimes
you
get
hit
hard
but
you
have
to
get
back
up
and
keep
playing
【坏笑】
9.
Love
is
knowing
when
to
shut
up
and
just
let
your
partner
vent
【抠鼻】
10.
Love
is
like
a
box
of
chocolates,
you
never
know
what
you're
going
to
get,
except
it's
probably
not
going
to
be
the
one
you
wanted
【吐舌头】
11.
Love
is
making
fun
of
each
other's
weird
habits
but
still
finding
them
endearing
【偷笑】
12.
Love
is
realizing
that
your
partner's
snoring
is
actually
kind
of
soothing
【憨笑】
13.
Love
is
like
a
reality
show,
full
of
drama
and
unexpected
plot
twists
【撇嘴】
14.
Love
is
spending
an
hour
trying
to
choose
the
perfect
Instagram
filter
for
your
couple's
selfie
【微笑】
15.
Love
is
comparing
your
relationship
to
a
rom-com,
except
your
life
is
more
like
a
cringe-worthy
sitcom
【开怀大笑】
16.
Love
is
sending
each
other
ridiculous
memes
at
all
hours
of
the
day
【疯狂笑】
17.
Love
is
knowing
when
to
apologize,
even
if
you're
not
exactly
sure
what
you
did
wrong
【无奈】
18.
Love
is
like
a
marathon,
sometimes
it's
grueling
and
painful,
but
crossing
the
finish
line
together
is
worth
it
【咧嘴笑】
19.
Love
is
finding
someone
who
accepts
all
your
flaws
and
still
thinks
you're
amazing
【甜笑】
20.
Love
is
like
a
magic
trick,
sometimes
it
seems
impossible,
but
when
it
works,
it's
pure
magic
【惊奇】