.jpg)
1.
"Sometimes
the
saddest
thing
in
life
is
saying
goodbye
to
someone
you
wish
to
spend
forever
with.
"
【saddays】
2.
"Tears
are
words
the
heart
can't
say.
"
【unspokenwords】
3.
"Heartbreak
is
a
strange
kind
of
pain.
It
heals
with
time
but
leaves
a
scar
that
lasts
a
lifetime.
"
【scarsntime】
4.
"I
thought
had
found
love,
but
it
turned
out
to
be
a
mirage
in
the
desert
of
my
life.
"
【lovemirage】
5.
"When
you're
sad,
it's
like
the
whole
world
is
rain
except
for
one
tiny
spot
under
a
tree.
"
【lonelyrain】
6.
"Sometimes
you
have
to
let
go
of
the
people
you
love
the
most,
not
because
you
don't
love
them
anymore,
but
because
you're
doing
it
for
their
own
good.
"
【toughlove】
7.
"It's
hard
to
forget
someone
who
gave
you
so
much
to
remember.
"
【memoriesunforgotten】
8.
"The
hardest
part
of
moving
on
is
accepting
that
the
other
person
already
did.
"
【alreadygone】
9.
"Love
is
not
always
a
fairytale
with
a
happy
ending.
"
【loveueverafter】
10.
"The
saddest
part
of
life
is
that
we're
all
just
visitors
on
this
planet.
We
come
and
go,
and
eventually,
everyone
forgets
we
were
ever
here.
"
【temporaryexistence】
11.
"When
you
lose
someone
you
love,
the
world
turns
grey,
and
everything
loses
its
meaning.
"
【colorlessworld】
12.
"Sometimes,
the
people
who
are
thousands
of
miles
away
from
you
can
make
you
feel
better
than
the
ones
right
beside
you.
"
【distantcomfort】
13.
"It's
better
to
be
alone
than
to
be
with
someone
who
makes
you
feel
lonely.
"
【alonetogether】
14.
"Life
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination,
and
sometimes
we
meet
people
who
only
travel
with
us
for
a
little
while.
"
【temporarycompanions】
15.
"You
can't
make
someone
love
you,
and
that
is
one
of
the
hardest
things
to
accept.
"
【unrequitedlove】
16.
"It's
tough
when
someone
special
starts
to
ignore
you,
but
it's
even
tougher
when
you
have
to
pretend
that
you
don't
care.
"
【pretendcare】
17.
"Not
all
scars
are
visible;
some
are
hidden
deep
within
the
soul,
and
they
don't
fade
away
with
time.
"
【invisiblewounds】
18.
"The
worst
feeling
of
being
heartbroken
is
that
no-one
can
fix
it,
but
time.
"
【healingtime】
19.
"It's
sad
to
see
someone
you
love
becoming
someone
you
used
to
know.
"
【changingpeople】
20.
"When
you
love
someone,
and
they
don't
love
you
back,
it's
like
standing
in
the
rain
and
watching
them
run
away
with
someone
else.
"
【unwantedlove】