.jpg)
1.
"Think
twice
before
hitting
that
delete
button
on
your
friends'
posts.
You
might
miss
out
on
something
great.
"
【思而后行,别轻易删掉朋友圈动态,你可能会错过很棒的内容。
】
2.
"Your
friends'
posts
tell
the
story
of
their
lives.
Don't
skip
out
on
the
details.
"
【朋友圈动态有助于了解他们的生活,不要错过其中的细节。
】
3.
"Keep
scrolling,
or
take
a
closer
look?
You
could
be
missing
out
on
valuable
connections.
"
【要么随便看看,要么仔细观察?你可能错过了有价值的人脉关系。
】
4.
"Don't
underestimate
the
power
of
little
clicks.
One
like
or
comment
could
make
your
friend's
day.
"
【不要低估小小的点赞或评论的力量,它们可能让你的朋友整整一天都很开心。
】
5.
"Don't
just
check
in
on
your
friends
when
they're
feeling
down.
Show
up
for
them
on
their
good
days
too.
"
【不要只在朋友有困难的时候关心他们,也要在他们好的时候陪伴他们。
】
6.
"Your
friends
might
not
always
show
up
in
person,
but
they're
always
just
a
post
away.
"
【你的朋友可能不能总是亲自出现,但他们随时随地都可以在朋友圈发声。
】
7.
"Share
your
journey
and
your
friends
will
follow
along.
You
never
know
who
you
might
inspire.
"
【分享你的人生经历,你的朋友会跟随着你。
你永远不知道你会激励到谁。
】
8.
"Silence
isn't
always
golden.
Speak
up
and
let
your
friends
know
how
much
they
mean
to
you.
"
【沉默并不总是金,说出来并且让你的朋友知道他们对你有多重要。
】
9.
"Don't
let
social
media
become
a
substitute
for
real-life
connections.
Make
time
for
those
face-to-face
conversations
too.
"
【不要让社交媒体成为真实人际关系的替代品。
也要抽出时间进行面对面的交流。
】
10.
"Friendship
is
a
two-way
street.
Show
up
for
your
friends
and
they'll
show
up
for
you.
"
【友情是双向的,你关心你的朋友,他们也会关心你。
】
11.
"Feeling
lonely?
Reach
out
to
your
friends
on
social
media.
You
might
be
surprised
at
how
many
people
care.
"
【感到孤独吗?在社交媒体上联系你的朋友。
你会惊讶地发现有多少人关心你。
】
12.
"Social
media
is
a
powerful
tool,
but
only
when
used
for
good.
Use
your
platform
to
spread
positivity
and
love.
"
【社交媒体是一个强大的工具,但仅在被用于正面目的时才是如此。
使用你的平台传递正能量和爱。
】
13.
"Life's
too
short
to
hold
grudges.
Forgive,
forget,
and
move
on
with
your
friends.
"
【生命太短暂,不要持怨恨之心。
原谅,忘记,并和你的朋友一起向前。
】
14.
"Your
friends
are
more
than
just
a
number
on
your
followers
list.
Treat
them
like
the
valuable
individuals
they
are.
"
【你的朋友不仅仅是你的粉丝列表中的一个数字。
珍惜他们,看待他们是和你一样珍贵的独立个体。
】
15.
"Be
a
good
friend,
even
when
it's
inconvenient.
The
loyalty
you
show
will
be
returned
two-fold.
"
【当友情需要你的时候,即使不方便也要好好对待。
你表现出的忠诚将得到双倍的回报。
】
16.
"A
true
friend
is
one
who
sees
past
your
social
media
façade
and
accepts
you
for
who
you
really
are.
"
【真正的朋友是一位看透了你的社交媒体贯彻,并接受你真实面目的人。
】
17.
"Happiness
is
contagious.
Share
your
joy
with
your
friends,
and
watch
it
spread.
"
【幸福是有传染性的。
和你的朋友分享你的快乐,并观察它如何传递开来。
】
18.
"Your
friends
are
a
reflection
of
who
you
are.
Surround
yourself
with
positivity
and
watch
yourself
thrive.
"
【你的朋友反映了你自己。
围绕着积极正能量的朋友,让自己茁壮成长。
】
19.
"It's
not
about
how
many
friends
you
have,
it's
about
the
quality
of
the
friendships
you
cultivate.
"
【重要的不是你有多少朋友,而是你所培养的友情的质量。
】
20.
"Friendship
is
a
gift
that
keeps
on
giving.
Cherish
it
and
watch
it
grow.
"
【友情是一份永不停歇的礼物。
珍惜它,看它成长。
】