.jpg)
1.
“A
world
without
borders,
a
heart
without
limits.
”
【心灵无限,世界无界限】
2.
“When
we
travel,
we
discover
not
only
the
beauty
of
the
world
but
also
the
wonders
within
ourselves.
”
【旅行,发掘我们的美丽,探究心中的奇迹】
3.
“The
world
is
a
book
and
those
who
do
not
travel
read
only
one
page.
”
-
Saint
Augustine
【世界是一本书,不旅行的人只读懂一页】
4.
“In
every
walk
with
nature,
one
receives
far
more
than
he
seeks.
”
-
John
Muir
【漫步大自然,获得多于所求】
5.
“Travel
is
more
than
the
seeing
of
sights;
it
is
a
change
that
goes
on,
deep
and
permanent,
in
the
ideas
of
living.
”
-
Miriam
Beard
【旅行不只是看景色,而是在我们生活的思想深处发生的一种深刻而持久的变化】
6.
“Live
with
no
excuses
and
travel
with
no
regrets.
”
【毫无借口地生活,无怨无悔地旅行】
7.
“Travel
brings
power
and
love
back
into
your
life.
”
-
Rumi
【旅行将力量和爱带回到你的生活中】
8.
“Travel
far
enough
to
meet
yourself.
”
-
David
Mitchell
【旅行遥远,与自己相会】
9.
“The
world
is
full
of
magic
things,
patiently
waiting
for
our
senses
to
grow
sharper.
”
-
W.
B.
Yeats
【世界充满神秘的事物,耐心地等待我们的感官变得更加敏锐】
10.
“The
best
education
have
ever
received
was
through
travel.
”
-
Lisa
Ling
【我所接受到的最好的教育来自旅行】
11.
“The
journey
changes
you;
it
should
change
you.
It
leaves
marks
on
your
memory,
on
your
consciousness,
on
your
heart,
and
on
your
body.
”
-
Anthony
Bourdain
【旅行改变你,应该改变你。
它会在你的记忆、意识、心灵和身体上留下痕迹】
12.
“Travel
not
to
escape
life,
but
for
life
not
to
escape
you.
”
【旅行并非为了逃避生活,而是让生活不要逃避你】
13.
“Travel
makes
one
modest.
You
see
what
a
tiny
place
you
occupy
in
the
world.
”
-
Gustave
Flaubert
【旅行让人变得谦虚,你才看到自己在这个世界上占据的微小位置】
14.
“To
travel
is
to
live.
”
-
Hans
Christian
Andersen
【旅行就是生活】
15.
“I
am
not
the
same,
having
seen
the
moon
on
the
other
side
of
the
world.
”
-
Mary
Anne
Radmacher
【我已经不一样了,因为我看到了世界另一端的月亮】
16.
“I
travel
not
to
escape
life,
but
for
life
to
not
escape
me.
”
-
Anonymous
【我旅行并非为了逃避生活,而是让生活不要逃避我】
17.
“Travel,
in
the
younger
sort,
is
a
part
of
education;
in
the
elder,
a
part
of
experience.
”
-
Francis
Bacon
【旅行,对于年轻人来说是教育的一部分,对于老年人来说是经验的一部分】
18.
“Travel
is
the
only
thing
you
can
buy
that
makes
you
richer.
”
-
Anonymous
【旅行是唯一一件会让你变得更富有的你可以购买的事情】
19.
“To
awaken
alone
in
a
strange
town
is
one
of
the
most
pleasant
sensations
in
the
world.
”
-
Freya
Stark
【在一个陌生的城镇醒来,是世界上最愉快的感觉之一】
20.
“We
travel
not
to
escape
life,
but
for
life
not
to
escape
us.
”
-
Anonymous
【我们旅行并非为了逃避生活,而是让生活不要逃避我们】