.jpg)
1.
"I
have
a
complicated
relationship
with
my
bed.
We're
in
love
when
it's
time
to
sleep,
but
we
have
a
messy
breakup
when
it's
time
to
wake
up.
"
【#BedRelationships】
2.
"The
only
thing
more
dangerous
than
a
person
who
can
cook
but
doesn't,
is
a
person
who
can't
cook
but
still
tries.
"【#CookingFail】
3.
"Forgot
my
phone
at
home
and
felt
like
somebody
ripped
off
my
arm
and
left
me
to
bleed.
"
【#PhoneAddict】
4.
"I
always
plan
to
wake
up
early
and
seize
the
day,
but
then
my
bed
looks
at
me
with
those
beautiful,
tempting
eyes.
.
.
"
【#BedTemptation】
5.
"I
don't
always
have
a
witty
comeback,
but
when
do,
think
of
it
two
hours
later
in
the
shower.
"
【#WittyComebacks】
6.
"I
have
no
idea
how
to
adult
today.
Please
send
help…
and
by
help,
mean
caffeine.
"
【#AdultingStruggles】
7.
"Sometimes
wonder
if
the
grocery
store
thinks
I'm
running
an
underground
restaurant
because
never
buy
the
same
things
twice.
"
【#FoodVariety】
8.
"I
keep
trying
to
make
exercise
a
habit,
but
it's
too
cold
to
go
outside
and
too
hot
for
a
blanket
burrito.
"
【#ExerciseExcuses】
9.
"There's
no
better
feeling
than
getting
your
workout
done
early
in
the
morning.
.
.
but
there's
also
no
worse
feeling
than
actually
waking
up
early
to
do
it.
"
【#MorningWorkoutStruggles】
10.
"Why
can't
all
days
be
pajama
days?
mean,
are
clothes
really
necessary?"
【#PajamaDayAllDay】
11.
"I'm
not
arguing.
I'm
just
explaining
why
I'm
right.
"
【#ArgumentWins】
12.
"If
it
weren't
for
coffee,
I'd
have
no
discernible
personality
at
all.
"
【#CoffeeAddiction】
13.
"Someone
needs
to
make
a
workout
called
'Just
Keep
Trying
Not
to
Die'.
"
【#WorkoutHumor】
14.
"I
don't
understand
why
some
people
are
always
looking
for
drama.
.
.
like,
don't
they
know
Netflix
exists?"
【#DramaFreeZone】
15.
"I
don't
get
how
people
can
wake
up
and
just
start
their
day
without
experiencing
a
near-death
sensation
first.
"
【#MorningStruggles】
16.
"Happiness
is
finding
out
there's
ice
cream
in
the
freezer
and
no
one
else
knows
about
it.
"
【#HiddenIceCream】
17.
"I
hate
it
when
forget
to
turn
off
my
phone
at
night
and
wake
up
to
a
list
of
pointless
notifications,
like
'Happy
Earth
Day'
from
my
dentist.
"
【#NotificationOverload】
18.
"I'm
not
procrastinating.
just
need
to
do
something
more
important
first.
.
.
like
checking
Facebook
for
the
23rd
time
today.
"
【#ProcrastinationProblems】
19.
"I
tried
to
organize
my
life,
but
then
realized
that
organizing
takes
time,
so
wrote
a
to-do
list
and
took
a
nap
instead.
"
【#OrganizationFail】
20.
"I'd
like
to
thank
my
sweatpants
for
being
there
for
me,
through
thick
and
thin.
.
.
mostly
thick.
"
【#SweatpantsLove】