.jpg)
1.
Time
is
a
precious
gift,
don't
waste
it
on
things
that
don't
matter.
【唯美句子】
2.
Life
is
short,
so
make
the
most
of
every
moment.
【唯美感悟】
3.
It's
not
about
having
time,
it's
about
making
time
for
what
truly
matters.
【时间管理智慧】
4.
Time
is
like
a
river,
you
can't
touch
the
same
water
twice.
【感悟人生】
5.
Time
waits
for
no
one,
make
sure
you're
using
it
wisely.
【生命哲理】
6.
You
can
never
get
back
the
time
you've
wasted,
so
don't
waste
any
more.
【前行动力】
7.
Time
is
the
greatest
healer,
don't
rush
the
process.
【心灵安慰】
8.
Every
moment
counts,
make
sure
you're
counting
every
moment.
【珍惜当下】
9.
The
time
you
enjoy
wasting
is
not
wasted
time,
it's
time
well
spent.
【享受生活】
10.
Time
flies,
but
memories
last
forever.
【珍藏美好回忆】
11.
Don't
let
time
slip
away,
hold
on
to
every
precious
second.
【把握机会】
12.
Time
is
a
valuable
currency,
spend
it
wisely.
【人生投资】
13.
Life
is
a
journey,
don't
waste
time
just
trying
to
get
to
the
destination.
【享受过程】
14.
Time
is
a
powerful
force,
use
it
to
your
advantage.
【时间的威力】
15.
Don't
let
time
control
you,
take
control
of
your
time.
【自我管理】
16.
Time
is
a
gift,
use
it
to
make
a
difference
in
the
world.
【贡献社会】
17.
The
best
way
to
make
use
of
time
is
to
invest
it
in
yourself.
【个人成长】
18.
Don't
wait
for
the
perfect
moment,
make
the
moment
perfect.
【勇敢行动】
19.
Time
is
a
valuable
resource,
use
it
to
achieve
your
dreams.
【梦想起航】
20.
Remember,
time
is
precious,
don't
waste
it
on
things
that
won't
matter
in
the
end.
【珍惜时光】