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1.
爱情有时候是一颗定时炸弹,即使我们拼命去拆除,最终还是会有一声巨响。
【Love
is
sometimes
a
timed
bomb
that
will
explode
even
if
we
work
hard
to
dismantle
it.
】
2.
爱情不是走到一起,而是一起走到终点。
可惜,我们没有一起那么久。
【Love
is
not
about
walking
together,
but
about
walking
together
to
the
end.
Unfortunately,
we
didn't
stay
together
for
that
long.
】
3.
爱情就像海洋,有时候你们像海浪一样狂热相拥,有时候又像海水一样淡漠安静。
【Love
is
like
the
ocean.
Sometimes
you
embrace
each
other
like
waves,
and
sometimes
you
become
as
calm
and
indifferent
as
seawater.
】
4.
爱情不能建立在欺骗和虚伪之上,因为你最后会无论如何被揭穿。
【Love
cannot
be
built
upon
deceit
and
falsehood
because
you
will
eventually
be
exposed
no
matter
what.
】
5.
爱情并不是让你拥有了对方,而是让你一起变得更好。
我们做不到。
【Love
doesn't
mean
you
own
each
other,
but
it
means
you
grow
together.
We
failed
to
do
that.
】
6.
爱情是一场修行,你需要有足够的勇气去承受磨难和痛苦,我们没能行得通。
【Love
is
a
spiritual
practice
that
requires
you
to
have
enough
courage
to
withstand
hardships
and
pains.
We
couldn't
make
it.
】
7.
爱情需要用心去经营,需要用心去保持,需要用心去维护。
我们的用心不够。
【Love
requires
careful
management,
maintenance,
and
upkeep.
Our
heart
was
not
enough.
】
8.
爱情教会我们如何给予,如何宽容,如何忍让。
但是,我们结局欠缺了这些。
【Love
teaches
us
how
to
give,
tolerate,
and
compromise.
Unfortunately,
our
ending
is
missing
them.
】
9.
爱情需要前进方向一致,力量相等,我们走得太久,最终发现我们在不同的路上。
【Love
needs
to
move
forward
with
a
shared
direction
and
equal
strength.
We
walked
too
far
and
eventually
found
ourselves
on
different
paths.
】
10.
爱情需要双方一起变得更好,但我们不是完美的,我们依然需要改进。
【Love
requires
both
parties
to
grow
together,
but
we
are
not
perfect,
and
we
still
need
to
improve.
】
11.
爱情是给予和接受,我们只做到了给予,却未能进行接受。
【Love
is
about
giving
and
receiving,
but
we
only
gave
without
taking.
】
12.
爱情是容许对方犯错的勇气,同时也是道歉的勇气。
我们没有勇气做到这些。
【Love
is
having
the
courage
to
forgive
each
other's
mistakes
as
well
as
apology.
We
didn't
have
the
courage
to
do
that.
】
13.
爱情是一场冒险,我们试了一次,却发现彼此不是最终的目的地。
【Love
is
an
adventure,
but
we
tried
once
and
found
out
that
we
were
not
the
final
destination
for
each
other.
】
14.
爱情需要充满尊重和信任,我们缺失了这方面的内容。
【Love
needs
to
be
filled
with
respect
and
trust,
but
we
lacked
them.
】
15.
爱情需要让别人感受到你的关心和爱意,我们做不到。
【Love
needs
to
make
the
other
person
feel
your
care
and
love,
but
we
failed
to
do
that.
】
16.
爱情需要让你们变得更好,更为成熟,然而我们在这方面还有很大的提升空间。
【Love
needs
to
make
you
better
and
more
mature,
but
we
still
have
a
long
way
to
go.
】
17.
爱情需要让你们在一起更开心,而不是伤心。
可惜的是我们的结局是痛苦和失望的。
【Love
needs
to
make
you
happier
together,
not
make
you
sad.
Unfortunately,
our
ending
was
painful
and
disappointing.
】
18.
爱情需要很多的努力和时间去维护,我们未能坚持下去。
【Love
requires
a
lot
of
effort
and
time
to
maintain,
but
we
couldn't
stick
to
it.
】
19.
爱情需要让你们相互支持,而不是抵触对方。
不幸的是,我们之间存在很多不合之处。
【Love
needs
to
make
you
support
each
other,
not
resist
each
other.
Unfortunately,
we
had
many
disagreements.
】
20.
爱情是一场美好的旅程,我们从中汲取了很多宝贵的经验教训,尽管我们不能走到一起,但我依然希望你能找到你的幸福。
【Love
is
a
beautiful
journey.
We've
learned
many
valuable
lessons
from
it.
Although
we
didn't
end
up
together,
still
hope
you
can
find
your
happiness.
】