.jpg)
1.
Sometimes
the
things
we
treasure
most
can
be
the
very
things
that
consume
us.
【没收】
2.
To
truly
appreciate
something,
you
must
first
understand
its
value.
【造句】
3.
The
power
to
take
away
is
not
one
to
be
taken
lightly.
【唯美句子】
4.
It's
not
possessions
that
make
us
rich,
it's
the
memories
they
hold.
【用没收造句】
5.
The
price
we
pay
for
our
mistakes
can
sometimes
be
too
high.
【唯美句子】
6.
When
we
hold
on
too
tightly,
we
risk
losing
everything.
【造句】
7.
To
give
is
a
privilege,
but
to
take
away
is
a
responsibility.
【没收】
8.
We
cannot
possess
everything,
but
we
can
appreciate
anything.
【唯美句子】
9.
Sometimes
letting
go
is
necessary
for
greater
things
to
come.
【造句】
10.
The
things
we
cling
to
may
be
the
very
things
holding
us
back.
【用没收造句】
11.
To
cherish
something
means
to
acknowledge
its
worth
and
hold
it
close.
【唯美句子】
12.
Possessions
only
have
value
if
they
add
to
our
happiness.
【用没收造句】
13.
The
past
cannot
be
possessed,
but
the
memories
can
be
cherished.
【造句】
14.
Sometimes
losing
something
can
lead
to
a
greater
sense
of
appreciation.
【唯美句子】
15.
We
must
be
careful
not
to
become
prisoners
of
our
possessions.
【没收】
16.
The
value
of
something
can
never
truly
be
measured
by
monetary
worth.
【用没收造句】
17.
Sometimes
we
must
lose
everything
to
gain
perspective.
【唯美句子】
18.
To
hold
on
is
human,
but
to
let
go
is
divine.
【造句】
19.
The
desire
to
possess
can
lead
to
the
loss
of
what
truly
matters.
【没收】
20.
The
greatest
possessions
in
life
cannot
be
bought
or
taken
away.
【唯美句子】