.jpg)
1.
"With
time
comes
a
beauty
that
only
experience
can
reveal.
"
【时间久了,只有经历才能诠释美。
】
2.
"Like
the
aging
of
fine
wine,
true
beauty
only
deepens
with
time.
"
【如同醇香的葡萄酒,真正的美丽只会随时间而加深。
】
3.
"It
may
take
years,
but
eventually,
the
beauty
of
the
past
can
become
a
cherished
memory.
"
【时间或许很长,但过去的美丽终将成为珍贵的回忆。
】
4.
"Beauty
that
is
fleeting
is
only
a
momentary
pleasure,
but
true
beauty
lasts
a
lifetime.
"
【短暂的美丽只能带来瞬间的愉悦,而真正的美丽则能持续一生。
】
5.
"Like
the
colors
of
a
sunset,
the
beauty
of
life
only
becomes
clearer
with
each
passing
day.
"
【如同日落的颜色,生命的美丽只会随着一天天的过去而更加清晰。
】
6.
"Aging
may
change
our
physical
appearance,
but
true
beauty
shines
from
within.
"
【岁月或许改变了我们的外貌,但真正的美丽来自于内心。
】
7.
"With
each
new
wrinkle
comes
a
new
story
etched
upon
our
faces,
a
testament
to
a
life
well-lived.
"
【每一道皱纹都记录着我们生命中的一个故事,是成功生命的见证。
】
8.
"Beauty
is
not
a
number
on
a
scale
or
a
size
on
a
tag,
but
a
reflection
of
our
inner
selves.
"
【美丽不是体重或是衣服尺码的数字,而是我们内心的自我映射。
】
9.
"As
we
age,
our
beauty
may
fade,
but
it
is
replaced
by
a
wisdom
and
grace
that
only
comes
with
time.
"
【随着岁月的流逝,我们的美丽或许会消逝,但越来越多的智慧与优雅会在我们身上堆积。
】
10.
"Time
may
take
away
our
youth,
but
it
cannot
take
away
the
beauty
of
a
life
well-lived.
"
【时间可能带走我们的青春,但无法带走一个过着充实生活的人的美丽。
】
11.
"True
beauty
is
not
what
we
see
with
our
eyes,
but
what
we
feel
with
our
hearts.
"
【真正的美丽不是视觉所能捕捉的,而是内心所感受到的。
】
12.
"A
face
without
wrinkles
may
be
beautiful,
but
a
heart
without
compassion
is
empty.
"
【没有皱纹的脸庞或许美丽,但缺少怜悯之心的内心是空洞的。
】
13.
"Age
is
just
a
number,
but
true
beauty
is
timeless.
"
【年龄只是一个数字,而真正的美丽是永久的。
】
14.
"As
we
grow
older,
our
beauty
becomes
less
about
what
we
look
like
and
more
about
who
we
are.
"
【随着年龄的增长,我们的美丽变得更多地关于我们的内在而非外貌。
】
15.
"The
beauty
of
life
lies
not
in
its
perfection,
but
in
its
imperfections.
"
【生命的美丽不在于完美,而在于不完美之中。
】
16.
"The
beauty
of
a
life
well-lived
is
not
in
what
we
have
achieved,
but
in
the
lives
we
have
touched
along
the
way.
"
【生命中成功所带来的美丽不仅在于我们已经取得的成就,更在于我们所影响到的众生。
】
17.
"Beauty
is
not
something
we
can
buy
or
sell,
but
something
we
must
nurture
within
ourselves.
"
【美丽不是我们能够买卖的,而是我们必须在自己内心中培养的。
】
18.
"The
beauty
of
life
is
not
in
what
we
accumulate,
but
in
what
we
give
away.
"
【生命中的美丽不在于我们所获得的,而在于我们所能够给予的。
】
19.
"True
beauty
is
found
not
in
the
absence
of
flaws,
but
in
the
acceptance
of
them.
"
【真正的美丽不在于缺陷的不存在,而在于对它们的接纳。
】
20.
"As
we
age,
we
become
more
beautiful
not
because
of
what
we
have,
but
because
of
what
we
have
overcome.
"
【随着年龄的增长,我们变得更加美丽,这不是因为我们所拥有的,而是因为我们所经历并克服的。
】