.jpg)
1.
The
weariness
in
his
eyes
spoke
of
a
soul
burdened
by
life's
hardships.
【感受到他眼中的疲倦,是一颗因生活的艰辛而受累的灵魂。
】
2.
She
moved
slowly,
weighed
down
by
physical
exhaustion
and
emotional
turmoil.
【她动作缓慢,身心俱疲,内心也被情感的波折深深压抑。
】
3.
His
shoulders
slumped,
a
sign
of
the
weight
of
the
world
he
carried
on
his
back.
【他的肩膀下垂着,象征着他扛在背上的世界的重量。
】
4.
She
dragged
her
feet
as
if
each
step
required
immense
effort,
her
spirit
drained
of
all
energy.
【她拖着沉重的脚步,似乎每一步都需要极大的努力,她的精神因此耗尽。
】
5.
His
voice
was
barely
audible,
a
reflection
of
his
tired
body
and
soul.
【他的声音几乎听不见,反映出他疲惫的身体和灵魂。
】
6.
She
sat
with
her
head
bowed,
defeated
by
the
weariness
that
engulfed
her.
【她低着头坐着,被笼罩着的疲惫打败了她。
】
7.
His
eyes
were
blank,
numb
to
the
world
around
him,
consumed
by
exhaustion.
【他的眼神空洞,对周围世界麻木不仁,被疲倦所消磨。
】
8.
She
forced
a
smile,
hiding
the
fatigue
that
weighed
her
down.
【她勉强挤出一个微笑,隐藏了那些沉重的疲倦。
】
9.
His
steps
were
slow
and
unsteady,
a
reflection
of
the
battle
he
fought
each
day
just
to
exist.
【他的步伐缓慢而无力,反映出他每天为了生存而奋斗的抗争。
】
10.
She
leaned
against
the
wall,
a
weak
silhouette
of
someone
who
had
given
all
she
had.
【她靠着墙,是一个拼尽全力的人的虚弱的影子。
】
11.
His
tired
eyes
held
a
sadness
that
spoke
of
all
the
weights
he
carried
alone.
【他疲惫的眼神充满了哀伤,传达出他孤独扛起的重重负担。
】
12.
She
shuffled
along
like
a
ghost,
haunted
by
the
exhaustion
that
had
become
her
constant
companion.
【她像个幽灵一般拖着步子走,被成为她一直的伴侣的疲惫所困扰。
】
13.
His
movements
were
slow
and
deliberate,
as
if
every
ounce
of
energy
he
possessed
had
been
drained
away.
【他的动作缓慢而有节奏,好像他所持有的每一分能量都已经耗尽。
】
14.
She
closed
her
eyes,
giving
in
to
the
weariness
that
had
become
too
much
to
bear.
【她闭上眼睛,投降给那过于难以承受的疲倦。
】
15.
His
soul
was
crushed
by
the
intensity
of
the
exhaustion
that
weighed
him
down.
【他的灵魂被那笼罩着他的强烈疲惫所击溃。
】
16.
She
sat
in
silence,
the
weariness
of
life
a
constant
presence
in
her
thoughts.
【她静静地坐着,生活的疲惫一直挥之不去。
】
17.
His
words
were
slow
and
heavy,
like
the
weight
of
all
his
hardships
had
seeped
into
his
voice.
【他的话语缓慢而沉重,像一切艰难困苦的重量都渗透到了他的声音里。
】
18.
She
wrapped
her
arms
around
herself,
seeking
comfort
from
the
weariness
that
threatened
to
consume
her.
【她抱住自己,试图从那将她吞噬的疲惫中找到安慰。
】
19.
His
face
was
etched
with
lines
of
exhaustion,
a
testament
to
his
struggles.
【他的脸上刻着疲倦的痕迹,是他坚持奋斗的证明。
】
20.
She
sighed
heavily,
the
weight
of
the
world
bearing
down
on
her
shoulders.
【她沉重地叹息,仿佛全世界的重量压在她肩膀上。
】