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1.
求之不得,瞑而不见。
【Love
is
a
treasure
that
one
may
seek
in
vain,
even
with
closed
eyes.
】
2.
路漫漫其修远,吾将上下而求索。
【Love
is
a
journey
of
self-exploration
and
constant
seeking.
】
3.
彼女之子,好乎尔居。
【True
love
sees
beyond
physical
appearance
and
values
the
essence
of
a
person's
character.
】
4.
周南《关雎》:思夫的余情,像汩汩的流水。
【The
love
for
a
significant
other
is
a
powerful
force
that
flows
ceaselessly
like
a
river.
】
5.
千里之行,始于足下。
【Love
starts
with
a
single
step,
no
matter
how
far
the
journey
may
lead.
】
6.
许我折花一朵,奉给你爱意的回报。
【A
simple
flower
can
be
a
profound
symbol
of
love
and
gratitude.
】
7.
漫长的岁月,翩翩的舞步,只为和你相拥。
【Love
is
a
dance
that
spans
a
lifetime,
with
each
step
leading
closer
to
embrace.
】
8.
恨不相逢未嫁时,寂寞无那空房宿。
【True
love
endures
the
test
of
time,
even
when
circumstances
keep
two
hearts
apart.
】
9.
当我爱你的时候,你就是我的天空与根基。
【Love
gives
rise
to
a
deeper
sense
of
purpose
and
belonging.
】
10.
我们的爱情,如草木蔓延,青葱不衰。
【Love
is
like
a
plant
that
grows
and
thrives
over
time,
renewing
itself
with
each
passing
season.
】
11.
请不要离开,让我陪伴你度过一生。
【True
love
beckons
us
to
stay
together
till
the
end
of
time.
】
12.
夜深了,我的心依然充满温暖的爱。
【The
darkness
of
night
can
never
dim
the
light
of
love
shining
in
our
hearts.
】
13.
爱情,不是寻找一个完美的人,而是学会欣赏那些不完美的事物。
【Love
is
not
about
finding
a
perfect
person,
but
rather
appreciating
imperfections.
】
14.
每一滴泪水,都是对你深深的思念。
【Tears
are
the
silent
expression
of
a
heart
that
loves
deeply.
】
15.
生命中最美好的事情,就是和你度过每一个日日夜夜。
【The
most
beautiful
thing
in
life
is
to
spend
time
with
the
one
you
love.
】
16.
爱情是一首自由不羁的情歌,即使用尽全部力气也无法唱完。
【Love
is
a
wild
and
free
melody
that
can
never
be
completely
sung.
】
17.
在每个瞬间,我都在爱你。
【Love
is
a
constant
presence
that
fills
our
every
moment.
】
18.
把你的手握在我手中,什么也不怕。
【Holding
hands
creates
a
sense
of
safety
and
security
in
love.
】
19.
心中的爱意,化为双飞的彩蝶漫舞。
【Love
takes
flight
like
a
pair
of
colorful
butterflies
dancing
in
the
wind.
】
20.
爱你比爱自己更容易,因为你已经成为我的一部分。
【Loving
you
is
easier
than
loving
myself
because
you
have
become
a
part
of
me.
】