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  1. 暖心简短文案英文 温柔治愈的英文句子(62句)
  2. 关于乡愁的英语句子
  3. 唯美治愈系英文短句

[One]、暖心简短文案英文 温柔治愈的英文句子(62句)


〖Two〗、Throw away all the troubles and make room for happiness.




〖Six〗、The late wind in summer is the most soothing.

〖Seven〗、When the sun sets, I will take you for a walk in the universe, with the stars and the moon.


〖Nine〗、The children who sleep late will not have a sweet dream today!



1〖Two〗、There must be regrets, but you can't stop because of them.

1〖Three〗、When you do something seriously, everything you want will come to you slowly.

1〖Four〗、Get better and become what you want to be.


1〖Six〗、May you have a lamp in the dark, an umbrella in the rain, and your lover's company on the road.


1〖Eight〗、If the wind can stay for me,you will stay for me.

1〖Nine〗、Do not ask to be among the best, even if it is just a little progress, it is worth your pay.

20、Life is too short, so laugh, while you now have teeth.

2〖One〗、As long as you keep smiling, the world is not so bad.

2〖Two〗、No matter in love or in life, we should manage well. If we can't, we should withdraw.





2〖Seven〗、The stars are shining today! They are missing you.

2〖Eight〗、When you are sad, squat down and hold yourself, and then tell yourself that everything will pass.

2〖Nine〗、It's said that there are many silly geese who secretly wipe their tears with quilts at night.





3〖Four〗、Only you can accompany you to the end, and only self-discipline, enthusiasm and diligence can make you to the end.

3〖Five〗、We will eventually reach the other side of the heart, where the sun is warm, flowers and birds.




3〖Nine〗、I hope your mood can be like stars, shining all year round, occasionally hiding from dark clouds.



4〖Two〗、Itself is a light, can illuminate oneself, also can illuminate others.

4〖Three〗、Busyness and going to bed early is a good cure for heart disease.


4〖Five〗、Don't cry, don't drop those little pearls.

4〖Six〗、Around the mountains and rivers scattered, only to find that you are the world spark.


4〖Eight〗、LIke a child, always believe in hope, I believe the dream.



5〖Two〗、When the moon is unhappy, it will talk with the stars!


5〖Four〗、I suspect you are a rabbit wanted by the moon.


5〖Six〗、Failure is not terrible. What's terrible is that you choose to give up before you experience it.



5〖Nine〗、I hope you are happy like a happy child when you are happy, and like a mature adult when you are calm.​​​​

60、You should go to bed. Tomorrow is still a day to be loved.

6〖One〗、If you are not living well now, can you work hard to make yourself better.

6〖Two〗、The world is getting dark and the eyes are closing.


关于乡愁英语诗句 1.关于乡愁的英语句子

When I was a child,my homesickness was a small stamp,Linking Mum at the other end and me this.


When I grown up, I remained homesick,but it became a ticket by which I sailed to and from my bride at the other end.


Then homesickness took the shape of a grave,Mum inside of it and me outside.


Now I'm still homesick,but it is a narrow strait Separating me on this side and the mainland on the other.


When I was a child, my homesickness was a small stamp

Linking Mum at the other end and me this.

remained homesick, but it became a ticket

By which I sailed to and from

Then homesickness took the shape of a

Mum inside of it and me outside.

Now I'm still homesick, but it is a

Separating me on this side and the mainland on the other.





When I was young, Nostalgia was a tiny stamp, Me on this side, Mother on the other side.


When I grew up, Nostalgia was a narrow boat ticket, Me on this side, Bride on the other side.


But later on, Nostalgia was a low, low grave, Me on the outside, Mother on the inside.


And at present, Nostalgia becomes a shallow strait, Me on this side, Mainland on the other side.







.She tried to thrust back the little stabs of home-sickness.她努力排遣涌上心头的思乡之情。

2.A letter from his wife set off in his mind an attack of homesickness.他妻子的来信勾起了他的思乡之情。3.The music aroused an intense feeling of homesickness in him.那首音乐激起他强烈的思乡之情。

4.Keen longing for home& deep meaning of refining--interpreting ZHANG Han s"missing of water shield& weever";思乡之浓情脱俗之深意——解读张翰的"莼鲈之思"5.They felt strong yearnings toward home.他们封家乡有着强烈的思念之情。6.a love-sick swain害相思病的乡村情郎7.Analysis of The Homesick Feelings of Ancient Chinese Travelers;试析中国古代游子之思乡情怀——以北宋词人柳永的行旅词为例8.An Emotion Universally Shared--A Comparative Study between Bai Jüyi s Dreaming of the Southern Shore and Browning s Home Thoughts,from Abroad;此情可待成追忆——白居易的《忆江南》与勃朗宁的《海外乡思》之比较9.Seeking the habitat of disengaged spirit--XieTiao' dream of living between the court and the countryside and his emotional complex of longing for rural areas;寻觅自由灵魂的栖息地——谢的朝隐之梦与思乡情结10.Homesick Feeling in the Poems of Tang Dynasty;思乡情在不言中——从岑参《逢入京使》和张籍《秋思》看唐代思乡诗11.Provincialism and political belief in Shan Yu;在乡土情感与政治理念之间:重评《山雨》12.it was budding homesickness.那是越来越强烈的思乡情绪。

13.He was overcome with an irresistible feeling of homesickness.他为一种不可抑制的思乡情绪所侵袭。14.A Thought on Planning a Cultural Ethnic Tourism Zone in Zhuang Inhabited Area;关于壮乡文化风情旅游带建设的思考15.The Thought Fuses the Sentiment Through the Felicity Sentence--the Reaserch of Thought and Feelings in Yan Shu s Ci;思致融情传好句——论《珠玉词》之情中有思16.Each Word is about Feeling--Weizhuang s Ci of feelings about love and longing for native place;一字一词总关情——论韦庄的相思与思乡词17.Historical Retrospect on the Policy of School Leavers Going to the Countryside知识青年上山下乡政策之历史性反思18.Rural Construction:Core of Yan Yangchu s Idea of Civilian Education;乡村建设:晏阳初平民教育思想之核心。

Home-Thoughts,From Abroad(异乡情思) Robert Browning(罗伯特·勃朗宁) Oh,to be in England Now that April's there, And whoever wakes in England Sees,some morning,unaware, That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf, While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough In England—now! And after April,when May follows, And the whitethroat builds,and all the swallows! Hark,where my blossom'd peartree in the hedge Leans to the field and scatters n the clover Blossoms and dewdrops—at the bent spray's edge— That's the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over, Lest you should think he never could recapture The first fine careless rapture! And though the fields look rough with hoary dew, All will be gay when noontide wakes anew The buttercups,the little children's dower--Far brighter than this gaudy milon-flower!意思是:呵,但愿此刻置身于英格兰正当这阳春四月.不论谁在那里,一觉醒来无意间总会看到,清晨,那低矮的枝丫和茂密的灌木丛在榆树周围已是一片郁郁葱葱,燕雀在果园的枝头啁啾,在英格兰哟—就在这个时候.四月逝去,五月循踪而至,灰雀筑巢,还有普天下的燕子!围篱旁我那一树梨花伸向田野,一地三叶草撒满花瓣和露珠—听,在虬枝末梢—那机灵的画眉,每支歌都高唱两道,生怕你以为他永远不会重现初唱时那份无忧无虑的惊喜.尽管白露使田野显得凄怆,正午的太阳将使一切重现光芒.那金凤花,孩子们的嫁妆,——比这俗丽的甜瓜更为灿烂明亮。

Nostalgia seemed a small stamp:

Nostalgia became a traveling ticket:

Nostalgia turned to be a graveyard:

Nostalgia looms large to be a channel:



Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again--- by Xu Zhimo

To the rosy clouds in the western sky.

The golden willows by the riverside

Are young brides in the setting sun;

Their reflections on the shimmering waves

Always linger in the depth of my heart.

The floatingheart growing in the sludge

Sways leisurely under the water;

In the gentle waves of Cambridge

That pool under the shade of elm trees

Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky;

Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds

Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream?

To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream

To where the green grass is more verdant;

Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight

And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight.

Quietness is my farewell music;

Even summer insects heep silence for me

Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away<;收起

Homesickness was a small stamp.

And my mother was over there:

Homesickness was a narrow ship-ticket.

Homesickness was a small tomb.

Homesickness is a shallow strait.

And the mainland is on the other side.

Childhood/homesickness was a lilltle stamp/I'm here/in the mother

After grow up/homesickness was a narrow steamer ticket/I'm here/in the bride

Later!/ homesickness is low tomb/I outside/mother inside

And now/homesickness was a shallow strait/I'm here in the mainland/head

The thoughts have been on the road in April

Overlook the front of the blue sky of spring flowers

Only if you want to swallow the general regression

Close your eyes to imagine the streets for some familiar

Rivers and their loved ones home

Home still wearing the cloak of the sea breeze

If there is no such thing on the road in the rape

The original home have grown up

Under the blue sky can make a living away from

Care of his hands like a meditation

Weak outside of the mother is still around

Nagging home and neighbors, as well as their children's thoughts





His smile is not greasy, like the sun soft and clean.


How special are you? Thousands of people walk through, even if you are short-sighted, you can be seen.


Like this star is not last night, for whom the wind and dew stand in the middle of the night.


Youth is like a grand and luxurious dream. Although it is long and tortuous, the dream is a dream. It will end and wake up one day.


Since ancient times, the strong are respected. If you have strength, you can get honor and respect.


The ancient style is becoming more and more popular nowadays. It expresses the true feelings of the heart one word at a time, which is deeply moving.


Suddenly there is such a person desperate to love you, you first feel not sweet, but doubt, this is your fragile performance.


Slow heat doesn't work well here. If you don't get along, you can't get familiar with it. If you get along, you'll get hot soon.


Looking up to the sky and laughing, we are not Penghao people.


Look at the clouds in the sky, piled together. Look at you lying on the ground, smiling face.


Let the world bow is a kind of domineering, let oneself let go is a kind of spirit.


The beginning of the story is always like this, just in time, caught off guard. The end of the story is always like this, two flowers bloom, each side of the world.


Everyone is multi-edged, even a noble person, there is also a low spirit.


When life is running on the seemingly risk-free track, I occasionally wake up from my dream and realize that this is not the life you want.


Don't get lost in other people's evaluation. Listen to your inner voice and be yourself.


I always forget to tell you how lucky I am to meet you. I want to take your hand one day and offer you a toast.


You know, if you don't get it, it will make people angry, but if it is far away, it will make people calm.


Even if one string is broken, the other three will continue to play. This is life.


Your eyes in the flash under the refraction of bright light, the only thought of the word is flowing light.


Sometimes, you want to prove it to 10000 people, and then you find that only one person who understands is enough.


There is no moon or bamboo or cypress at night, but a few idle people are like the two of us.


One can endure any kind of life if he knows why he lives.


There are always some love is not found at that time, there are always some things that are missed before you gradually understand.


To a certain age, with too much worry, people will become silent.


If not, there will be a reunion. Something that stays in your mind will someday spring up in your life.


I hope you and I will have poetry, wine and distance from now on. When we meet again, we will only slightly raise the corners of our mouths, and forget about the past in the lake and lake.


The first sight is a startling glance. Nanke's dream is you. Waiting is heavy mountain and heavy water, it is you who are heartthrob.


Without tragedy, there will be no solemn and stirring, and without solemn and stirring, there will be no loftiness.


If there is a tail, it must have become an electric fan when he comes to see me.


I have no story to tell. I only take my favorite liquor. If you want to accompany me, sit down and raise your glass. Naturally, I will have a long time with you.


Unless you like each other, all like is sad, love and be loved at the same time in the same person.


People always forget what should be forgotten, and remember what should be remembered, and then memories will be filtered very well.


When you are lonely, you should still guard the missing in your heart. Where there is shadow, there must be light.


We do different things with others every day, but we want to say the same thing with others.


When it's raining, running can get more rain than walking.


If one day you get drunk and walk alone in the street, whose name will you shout out hysterically?


Some things just don't deserve to be forgiven. It has nothing to do with magnanimity. Each has its own bottom line.


When you meet someone, you have to make your own choice in advance. Be ignorant or wise. When the end comes, you should bear the responsibility.


People are most afraid of meeting, the most difficult is parting, because a chance encounter may be memories of crossing mountains and mountains.


I'll wait for you. There are a thousand kinds of waiting in the world. The best one is called the future.


Spring has come, the spring wind has greened the grass and blown the flowers. What a beautiful spring!


Growth is: gradually gentle, restrained, simple, do not complain, do not ask, do not remember, gradually experience life in silence.


In the world, all things on the earth are revived immediately, with the fragrance of black language and flowers, showing a kind of vitality.


The clear blue sky is as clear as jasper.


A new moon rose from the forest in the distance. It was as white as the newly refined silver.


Stepping on her soft soil, I know that the hotbed of life can be so flat, as long as the season is old.


The foothills of the low-lying place, covered with dense clusters of grass-green moss, much like a layer of soft sea mat.


The spring rain is soft, only the spring rain is beating on the bamboo branches and leaves.


Spring is coming, every corner of the earth is full of the breath of spring.


At the kangaroo's words, everyone shook their heads. But I had to obey orders, so I had to practice my skill of jumping.


I had no idea for a moment. I stood there as if I had lost my soul.


Spring is like a shy little girl, hiding and hiding. Spring is like a baby born, small and lovely.


When she was angry, her thin red lips were slightly upward, like a ripe cherry.


Childhood is the truth in dreams, the true dreams, the tearful smile in memories.


The mottled tree shadow is clearly cast on the path, like a piece of paper-cut painting with appropriate shade.

The bread is done. It smells good!


The lofty mountains in the distance, in the sunshine, put on the golden coat, appear particularly beautiful.


Embrace a wisp of spring wind, hold a pool of spring water, bathe in the spring rain, listen to the heart of love, indulge in this, just like in the past.


The tortoise put his neck and head in the hard shell, and stretched out his limbs as if he was doing radio exercises. It was very interesting.


The process of growing up is always going through several ups and downs, meeting a few people, and then seeing the world clearly.


From a distance, a peach tree looks like an open umbrella.


Spring wind is warm like a while, mulberry buds come out, emerald and fresh, green and pleasant.


Even if you don't love me, I can watch you and guard you, which is also very good.


In autumn, the grass shed all its clothes and gave it to the earth without any grudges, making the earth more powerful in nurturing all things.


The willow tops drooped feebly, as if to get into the ground and avoid the hot sun.


Late autumn, the sun languidly hung in the sky, like a husband with a smiling face dozing off.


Autumn arrived, the tree's golden fruit showed a smile, she nodded and smiled at us.


The little honeydew melon blushed, so she had to ask the teacher Xinlan for advice.


The rising sun, full of energy and red light, brightens the whole world.


As soon as the spring breeze blows, they sway from side to side, as if nodding to it. It's very interesting.


I like dandelion, like her willing to lonely, willing to ordinary.


Spring is coming, with its unique voice, light steps, slowly.


It's getting hotter. The water is rising.


Living in our world, it is impossible to understand people without reading.


When spring comes with her unique new green and the sea, it's really fascinating.


The dew on the grass leaves is like a gem inlaid in the emerald, with colorful luster.


That bee is so diligent. It flies like a fair.


Look at the clouds in the sky. They are piled together. Look at you lying on the ground, smiling face.


You should read what you want to read. If you regard reading as a task, you will get little profit.


Her article is well written. The structure is as close as the relationship between the nerve node and the neural network in the human body.
