.jpg)
1.
"It
is
a
truth
universally
acknowledged,
that
a
single
man
in
possession
of
a
good
fortune,
must
be
in
want
of
a
wife.
"
-
Pride
and
Prejudice
by
Jane
Austen】
2.
"I've
loved
none
but
you.
"
-
Persuasion
by
Jane
Austen】
3.
"Love
is
a
smoke
made
with
the
fume
of
sighs.
"
-
Romeo
and
Juliet
by
William
Shakespeare】
4.
"A
heart
that
loves
is
always
young.
"
-
Sense
and
Sensibility
by
Jane
Austen】
5.
"Whatever
our
souls
are
made
of,
his
and
mine
are
the
same.
"
-
Wuthering
Heights
by
Emily
Brontë】
6.
"My
love
for
you
is
a
journey,
starting
at
forever
and
ending
at
never.
"
-
The
Notebook
by
Nicholas
Sparks】
7.
"Love
is
like
the
wind,
you
can't
see
it
but
you
can
feel
it.
"
-
Walk
to
Remember
by
Nicholas
Sparks】
8.
"Love
is
not
about
staring
at
each
other,
but
about
looking
forward
together
in
the
same
direction.
"
-
The
Fountainhead
by
Ayn
Rand】
9.
"Love
is
the
longing
for
the
half
of
ourselves
we
have
lost.
"
-
Anna
Karenina
by
Leo
Tolstoy】
10.
"I
love
you
as
one
loves
certain
dark
things,
secretly,
between
the
shadow
and
the
soul.
"
-
Pablo
Neruda】
11.
"Love
is
a
canvas
furnished
by
nature
and
embroidered
by
imagination.
"
-
Voltaire】
12.
"In
vain
have
struggled.
It
will
not
do.
My
feelings
will
not
be
repressed.
You
must
allow
me
to
tell
you
how
ardently
admire
and
love
you.
"
-
Pride
and
Prejudice
by
Jane
Austen】
13.
"Love
is
or
it
ain't.
Thin
love
ain't
love
at
all.
"
-
Love
in
the
Time
of
Cholera
by
Gabriel
García
Márquez】
14.
"If
love
breaks
your
heart,
where
does
the
broken
love
go?"
-
The
Alchemist
by
Paulo
Coelho】
15.
"Love
looks
not
with
the
eyes,
but
with
the
mind;
And
therefore
is
winged
Cupid
painted
blind.
"
-
Midsummer
Night's
Dream
by
William
Shakespeare】
16.
"You
know
you're
in
love
when
you
can't
fall
asleep
because
reality
is
finally
better
than
your
dreams.
"
-
Dr.
Seuss】
17.
"The
minute
heard
my
first
love
story,
started
looking
for
you,
not
knowing
how
blind
that
was.
Lovers
don't
finally
meet
somewhere.
They're
in
each
other
all
along.
"
-
Rumi】
18.
"The
heart
wants
what
it
wants.
There's
no
logic
to
these
things.
You
meet
someone
and
you
fall
in
love
and
that's
that.
"
-
Woody
Allen】
19.
"Love
is
the
voice
under
all
silences,
the
hope
which
has
no
opposite
in
fear;
the
strength
so
strong
mere
force
is
feebleness:
the
truth
more
first
than
sun,
more
last
than
star.
"
-
E.
E.
Cummings】
20.
"Love
is
like
a
friendship
caught
on
fire.
"
-
The
Fault
in
Our
Stars
by
John
Green】