.jpg)
1.
"Rise
and
shine,
the
world
is
waiting
for
you
to
conquer
it!"
【醒醒闹钟】
2.
"Another
day,
another
chance
to
make
your
dreams
come
true.
Don't
snooze
your
way
through
it!"
【起床啦】
3.
"The
early
bird
catches
the
worm.
Get
up
and
seize
the
day!"
【早起的鸟儿有虫吃】
4.
"Don't
lay
in
bed
and
watch
the
world
pass
you
by.
Get
up
and
make
things
happen!"
【别逃避,快点起床】
5.
"It's
a
brand
new
day,
full
of
opportunities
and
possibilities.
Don't
miss
out
on
them
by
hitting
the
snooze
button.
"
【全新的一天等你去发现】
6.
"The
early
riser
gets
a
head
start
on
success.
Get
up
and
go
after
what
you
want!"
【早起有好事,功夫不负有心人】
7.
"Take
charge
of
your
day
by
taking
charge
of
your
morning.
Wake
up
and
win
the
day!"
【掌控你的日子,从早起开始】
8.
"Every
sunrise
is
a
new
beginning.
Embrace
it
with
open
arms
and
a
positive
attitude.
"
【每个日出都意味着新的开始】
9.
"Don't
let
the
morning
fog
cloud
your
judgement.
Get
up
and
start
your
day
with
clarity
and
purpose.
"
【雾霾不会影响你的目标】
10.
"The
early
morning
calm
is
the
perfect
time
to
reflect,
plan,
and
set
your
intentions
for
the
day
ahead.
"
【早晨的宁静是你规划的好时间】
11.
"The
best
way
to
start
your
day
is
by
starting
it.
Don't
waste
any
more
time
hitting
the
snooze
button.
"
【开始就是最好的方式】
12.
"Time
waits
for
no
one.
Get
up
and
make
the
most
of
every
precious
moment.
"
【光阴似箭,时间宝贵】
13.
"The
future
belongs
to
those
who
wake
up
and
chase
their
dreams.
Don't
let
yours
slip
away
by
sleeping
in.
"
【追逐梦想,不要让它溜走】
14.
"Wake
up
with
a
smile,
knowing
that
today
is
another
chance
to
make
the
most
of
your
life.
"
【微笑着起床,迎接美好的一天】
15.
"Don't
let
yesterday's
failures
keep
you
from
today's
successes.
Get
up
and
try
again!"
【昨日没有成功,不要放弃今天】
16.
"You
are
unstoppable.
Get
up
and
show
the
world
what
you're
made
of.
"
【你是不可阻挡的】
17.
"Life
is
too
short
to
waste
in
bed.
Wake
up
and
live
your
best
life!"
【生命太短暂,不要浪费在床上】
18.
"The
early
bird
not
only
gets
the
worm,
but
also
gets
a
head
start
on
happiness,
success,
and
fulfillment.
"
【早起有好事,无论成功、幸福或实现】
19.
"Don't
just
dream
of
a
better
life,
wake
up
and
make
it
happen!"
【不要只是梦想,醒来去实现】
20.
"Good
things
come
to
those
who
wake
up
and
work
for
them.
So
get
up
and
get
to
it!"
【好事发生在为它而努力的人身上】