.jpg)
1.
Sometimes,
the
hardest
thing
to
do
is
to
pretend
that
you're
fine
when
you're
really
not.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
2.
Love
can
bring
us
to
the
highest
point
of
happiness,
but
it
can
also
leave
us
in
the
lowest
point
of
despair.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
3.
Tears
don't
always
mean
that
you're
weak,
sometimes
it
means
that
you've
been
strong
for
too
long.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
4.
In
the
end,
we
all
just
want
someone
who
chooses
us.
Someone
who
sees
all
of
our
flaws
but
still
thinks
we're
perfect.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
5.
The
hardest
goodbyes
are
the
ones
that
are
never
said
and
never
explained.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
6.
We
never
know
how
strong
we
are
until
being
strong
is
the
only
choice
we
have.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
7.
When
someone
leaves,
it's
because
they
need
to
find
themselves.
When
they
come
back,
it's
because
they
found
you.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
8.
The
biggest
mistake
you
can
make
is
to
love
someone
who's
too
afraid
to
love
you
back.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
9.
Sometimes,
the
only
closure
we
need
is
knowing
that
they
have
left
us
for
someone
who
will
never
appreciate
them
as
much
as
we
did.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
10.
The
best
things
in
life
come
with
a
price.
The
worst
things
come
with
a
heartache.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
11.
You
can
never
really
tell
someone
all
of
the
things
you're
hiding
behind
a
smile.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
12.
Maybe
I'm
not
the
one
you
need
right
now,
but
I'm
the
one
you'll
regret
losing
in
the
end.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
13.
We're
all
just
walking
each
other
home,
but
sometimes
the
journey
can
be
a
lonely
one.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
14.
Love
is
a
beautiful
thing
until
it's
not.
Then,
it's
just
a
devastating
reminder
of
what
we
lost.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
15.
Sometimes,
the
only
way
to
forget
someone
is
to
replace
their
memories
with
new
ones.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
16.
We
all
make
mistakes,
but
some
are
harder
to
forgive
than
others.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
17.
You
can
never
really
know
someone
until
you
see
them
at
their
weakest
moments.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
18.
Love
can
be
the
sweetest
thing
until
it
leaves
you
feeling
bitter
and
alone.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
19.
The
greatest
pain
a
heart
can
feel
is
when
it's
been
shattered
into
a
million
pieces
and
no
one
is
there
to
pick
them
up.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】
20.
Sometimes,
we
have
to
go
through
the
dark
times
to
appreciate
the
bright
moments
in
life.
【高级伤感短句语录英语】