.jpg)
1.
"In
your
eyes,
see
love
and
understanding
like
I've
never
known
before.
"【感受到你眼里的爱和理解,让我无以言表】
2.
"I'm
grateful
for
every
moment
spent
with
you,
and
the
love
that
we
share.
"
【感恩和你共度的每一刻,和我们共同拥有的爱】
3.
"Your
gentle
touches
and
sweet
kisses
make
my
heart
flutter
with
joy.
"
【你温柔的触摸和甜美的吻,让我的心沸腾着幸福】
4.
"The
warmth
of
your
embrace
gives
me
strength
to
face
any
challenge.
"
【你温暖的怀抱,给我勇气去面对任何挑战】
5.
"With
you
by
my
side,
feel
invincible
and
capable
of
anything.
"
【有你在我身边,我感觉自己无所不能】
6.
"Your
smile
brightens
up
my
world
and
fills
my
heart
with
happiness.
"
【你的微笑,照亮了我的世界,让我心中充满幸福】
7.
"I
never
knew
what
true
love
was
until
met
you.
"
【直到遇见你,我才真正知道什么是真爱】
8.
"Your
kind
and
gentle
nature
is
a
rare
and
beautiful
thing.
"
【你温柔善良的天性,是一种珍贵而美丽的品质】
9.
"I
can't
imagine
my
life
without
you,
for
you
complete
me.
"
【没有你的生活,我无法想象,因为你让我完整】
10.
"Your
unwavering
support
and
encouragement
have
been
my
rock
through
tough
times.
"
【你坚定的支持和鼓励,是我在困难时期的坚强后盾】
11.
"The
depth
of
my
love
for
you
grows
stronger
with
each
passing
day.
"
【对你的爱,随着日子的推移,愈加深厚】
12.
"You
are
my
safe
haven,
my
escape
from
the
chaos
of
the
world.
"
【你是我的避风港,我的逃脱出尘的小世界】
13.
"Your
soulful
gaze
and
loving
touch
leave
me
breathless
and
yearning
for
more.
"
【你深情的目光,温柔的触摸,让我心驰神往,不愿离去】
14.
"In
your
embrace,
find
solace
and
the
courage
to
face
my
fears.
"
【在你的怀抱中,我找到了安慰,和勇气面对我的恐惧】
15.
"You
are
my
sunshine
on
a
cloudy
day,
my
light
in
the
darkness.
"
【你是我在阴云密布的日子里的阳光,黑暗中的闪光】
16.
"With
you,
every
day
is
a
new
adventure
filled
with
love
and
romance.
"
【有你,每一天都是充满爱和浪漫的新冒险】
17.
"Your
whispered
words
of
love
are
like
music
to
my
ears.
"
【你低语的爱语,像音乐一样美妙动听】
18.
"I
love
the
way
you
love
me,
with
all
your
heart
and
soul.
"
【我爱你爱我的方式,全心全意,真心实意】
19.
"Your
gentle
spirit
and
loving
heart
are
what
make
you
so
special
to
me.
"
【你温柔的灵魂和爱心,让你在我心中如此特别】
20.
"I
thank
the
heavens
every
day
for
bringing
you
into
my
life
and
blessing
me
with
your
love.
"
【我每天都感激天上的神明,让你走进我的生命,伴我左右,爱我直至永远】