.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
nothing
but
a
delusion
of
the
heart,
and
refuse
to
be
fooled
by
it.
"
【不信爱情】
2.
"I've
seen
too
many
heartbreaks
and
failed
relationships
to
ever
believe
in
love.
"
【心碎再多,我也不信爱情】
3.
"Love
is
just
a
social
construct
meant
to
make
people
feel
less
alone.
"
【爱情只是为了让人们少一个人的社会构建】
4.
"Why
chase
after
something
as
fleeting
and
unpredictable
as
love?"
【为什么要追求如此瞬息万变的爱情?】
5.
"Love
is
a
flat-out
lie
and
I'm
not
willing
to
fall
for
it.
"
【爱情是个谎言,我不愿上当】
6.
"I
have
yet
to
see
a
real,
genuine
love
story
that
doesn't
end
in
heartache
and
disappointment.
"
【我还从未看到一个真正的、真诚的爱情故事没有以心碎和失望告终】
7.
"Love
is
a
myth
propagated
by
movies
and
shows.
"
【电影和电视剧炮制的爱情都是谎言】
8.
"Why
bother
with
love
when
it's
just
going
to
lead
to
pain
and
heartbreak?"
【既然爱情只会带来痛苦和伤心,为什么还要费心追求它?】
9.
"Love
is
just
a
trap
to
keep
people
in
unhappy
relationships.
"
【爱情只是让人们陷入不幸的关系的陷阱】
10.
"I
refuse
to
believe
in
something
as
fickle
as
love
that
can
disappear
in
the
blink
of
an
eye.
"
【我拒绝相信一个瞬息即逝的东西,像爱情一样】
11.
"Love
is
an
illusion
that
we
create
for
ourselves
to
make
life
more
bearable.
"
【爱情是我们为了让生活更容易忍受而创造的一种幻觉】
12.
"The
idea
of
love
is
so
romanticized
that
it's
nothing
more
than
a
fairy
tale.
"
【爱情的概念如此浪漫化,以至于它仅仅是一个童话故事】
13.
"I
have
no
faith
in
love
because
it
always
seems
to
end
in
disappointment.
"
【我对爱情没有信仰,因为它总是以失望告终】
14.
"Love
is
just
an
excuse
for
people
to
stay
in
toxic
and
unhealthy
relationships.
"
【爱情只是一个借口,让人们留在有害的和不健康的关系中】
15.
"I
refuse
to
put
my
happiness
and
well-being
in
the
hands
of
someone
else,
especially
when
it
comes
to
love.
"
【我拒绝把我的幸福和健康寄托在别人身上,特别是当涉及到爱情时】
16.
"Love
is
nothing
more
than
a
chemical
reaction
in
the
brain
that
can
easily
be
triggered
and
manipulated.
"
【爱情只不过是大脑中的化学反应,很容易被触发和操纵】
17.
"I
don't
believe
in
love
at
first
sight
because
true
love
takes
time
to
develop
and
grow.
"
【我不相信一见钟情,因为真正的爱情需要时间来发展和成长】
18.
"Love
is
just
an
excuse
for
people
to
be
lazy
and
stay
in
mediocre
relationships.
"
【爱情只是一个借口,让人们变得懒惰,留在平凡的关系中】
19.
"I
refuse
to
believe
in
love
because
it's
just
another
way
for
people
to
control
and
manipulate
each
other.
"
【我不相信爱情,因为这仅仅是让人们彼此控制和操纵的另一种方式】
20.
"Why
believe
in
love
when
it's
just
going
to
break
your
heart
in
the
end?"
【既然爱情最终只会让你心碎,为什么还要相信它?】