.jpg)
1.
soft
touch
from
your
hand
and
a
gentle
whisper
from
your
lips
is
all
need
to
fall
in
love
with
you
all
over
again.
【恋爱中的温柔,让我重拾对你的热爱。
】
2.
find
myself
lost
in
your
eyes
every
time
we
gaze
into
each
other’s
soul,
reminding
me
of
the
beautiful
love
we
share.
【你的眼神让我沉醉,温柔恋爱,让我们的爱更美丽。
】
3.
Romance
is
not
just
about
grand
gestures,
but
rather
the
small,
gentle
touches
that
make
our
hearts
flutter.
【浪漫,不只是大手势,温柔触碰,更能让我们心动。
】
4.
The
soft,
sweet
sound
of
your
laughter
is
music
to
my
ears,
and
the
touch
of
your
hand
is
like
a
warm
embrace
that
envelops
me
in
love.
【你悦耳的笑声,宛如美妙音乐,温柔的握着,犹如温暖拥抱。
】
5.
Every
moment
spent
with
you
feels
like
a
cozy
embrace,
warming
my
heart
and
filling
my
soul
with
love.
【与你相处的每一刻,都像一次温暖的拥抱,让我心暖心满。
】
6.
cherish
every
soft
kiss
and
tender
caress,
knowing
that
they
are
symbols
of
the
love
we
share.
【我珍视每一个温柔的吻和轻柔的抚摸,它们是我们爱的象征。
】
7.
Your
gentle
words
and
caring
touch
remind
me
that
am
loved,
and
fill
my
heart
with
warmth
and
happiness.
【你温柔的话语和关爱的触摸,让我知道我被爱着,心中充满温暖和幸福。
】
8.
In
your
arms,
feel
safe
and
loved,
surrounded
by
a
soft,
warm
embrace
that
brings
us
closer
together.
【在你的怀抱中,我感到安全和被爱,被一个温暖的拥抱包围,让我们更加亲近。
】
9.
Romance
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it
is
a
daily
practice
of
showing
love
through
kindness,
compassion,
and
gentle
gestures.
【浪漫不只是一种感觉,更是通过善良、同情和温柔的举动来表达爱的日常行为。
】
10.
love
the
way
you
hold
me
close,
the
softness
of
your
touch,
and
the
gentleness
in
your
voice
that
tells
me
everything
will
be
alright.
【我喜欢你紧紧拥抱着我,你轻柔的触碰,以及温柔的声音,告诉我一切都会好的。
】
11.
Love
is
not
just
about
passion
and
desire,
but
also
the
soft,
tender
moments
that
make
our
hearts
skip
a
beat.
【爱不仅仅是激情和欲望,更是令我们心动不已的温柔时刻。
】
12.
Your
gentle
touch
and
loving
smile
fill
my
heart
with
joy
and
remind
me
of
the
beautiful
love
we
share.
【你温柔的触碰和慈爱的微笑,让心中充满喜悦,让我想到我们美丽的爱。
】
13.
gentle
kiss
on
the
forehead,
a
soft
caress
on
the
cheek,
and
the
warmth
of
your
embrace
are
all
need
to
feel
loved.
【一个额头上轻柔的吻,脸颊上温和的抚摸,以及怀抱中的温暖,这些就足够让我感到被爱。
】
14.
Soft
words
of
affirmation,
gentle
touches,
and
kind
gestures
are
the
foundation
of
a
beautiful,
loving
relationship.
【肯定的温言、温柔的触摸和友善的举动,是美好、恋爱关系的基础。
】
15.
Your
gentle
spirit
and
loving
heart
are
the
reasons
fell
in
love
with
you,
and
the
softness
in
your
touch
is
what
keeps
me
in
love.
【你温柔的灵魂和慈爱的心,是我爱上你的原因,而你温柔的触碰则让我始终深爱着你。
】
16.
The
gentle
sway
of
your
hips
as
you
walk,
the
soft
touch
of
your
hand
in
mine,
and
the
loving
smile
on
your
face
are
all
need
to
feel
happy
and
alive.
【你优美的步态,手中绵柔的触感,以及脸上的慈爱微笑,就足以让我感到快乐和活力。
】
17.
The
gentle
hum
of
your
voice,
the
softness
of
your
touch,
and
the
warmth
of
your
embrace
are
all
the
things
need
to
feel
loved
and
happy.
【你轻柔的声音与触碰,以及怀抱中的温暖,这些就足以让我感受到被爱和快乐。
】
18.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it
is
a
daily
commitment
to
showing
kindness,
compassion,
and
gentleness
towards
the
one
you
love.
【爱不只是一种感觉,更是对爱人表达善良、同情和温柔的日常承诺。
】
19.
The
gentle
strokes
of
your
fingers
through
my
hair,
the
softness
of
your
touch
on
my
skin,
and
the
warmth
of
your
breath
on
my
neck
are
all
need
to
feel
loved
and
adored.
【你手指轻抚我头发,温柔地触碰我的肌肤,以及热气腾腾的呼吸,这些就足以让我感到被爱和宠爱无限。
】
20.
Your
gentle
love
fills
my
heart
with
joy
and
happiness,
reminding
me
that
true
love
is
more
about
the
soft
moments
than
the
grand
gestures.
【你温柔的爱,让我的心充满喜悦和幸福,提醒我真正的爱,更多关乎温柔时刻而非华丽姿态。
】