.jpg)
1.
Sometimes
the
pain
we
feel
inside
is
as
deep
as
the
ocean
and
as
endless
as
the
sky.
【#deeplywounded】
2.
Memories
can
be
the
most
beautiful
things
in
life,
but
they
can
also
be
the
most
painful.
【#bittersweetrecollections】
3.
The
loneliness
that
accompanies
heartbreak
can
be
unbearable,
like
a
constant
weight
on
your
chest.
【#heartacheandisolation】
4.
There
are
no
band-aids
for
a
broken
heart,
just
time
and
self-love
to
heal
the
wounds.
【#noguiltinessintheprocess】
5.
When
you
lose
someone
you
love,
it
feels
like
a
part
of
you
has
gone
missing,
and
you
are
forever
changed.
【#foreverchanged】
6.
Grief
can
be
a
lonely
journey,
but
remember
that
you
are
never
truly
alone.
【#nevertrulyalone】
7.
Sometimes
the
scars
we
carry
are
not
visible
to
the
eye,
but
they
still
ache
in
our
hearts.
【#hiddenpain】
8.
Pain
can
come
in
waves,
sometimes
crashing
upon
us
unexpectedly,
leaving
us
breathless
and
drowning.
【#painfulwaves】
9.
The
darkness
of
grief
can
be
overwhelming,
but
there
is
always
a
glimmer
of
hope
waiting
to
be
found.
【#newhope】
10.
Sometimes,
saying
goodbye
is
the
hardest
thing
we'll
ever
have
to
do.
【#sayinggoodbyeishardtodo】
11.
Love
shouldn't
hurt,
but
when
it
does,
the
pain
can
be
suffocating.
【#lovehurts】
12.
It
takes
immense
strength
to
keep
going
when
your
heart
feels
like
it's
breaking
into
a
million
pieces.
【#immensestrength】
13.
The
sadness
of
loss
can
be
like
a
never-ending
storm,
but
eventually,
the
clouds
will
part
and
the
sun
will
shine
again.
【#neverendingstorm】
14.
It's
okay
to
cry
and
feel
the
pain.
It's
a
sign
that
you're
healing
and
moving
on.
【#healingandmovingon】
15.
Grief
is
like
a
fingerprint,
unique
to
each
person
and
impossible
to
compare.
【#uniquegrief】
16.
The
fear
of
being
hurt
again
can
be
paralyzing,
but
it's
worth
taking
a
risk
for
love.
【#takingtheriskforlove】
17.
There's
no
shame
in
asking
for
help
when
the
burden
of
grief
feels
too
heavy
to
bear.
【#askingforhelp】
18.
When
we
lose
someone
we
love,
we
never
truly
get
over
it.
We
just
learn
to
live
with
it.
【#learningtolivewithit】
19.
Heartbreak
can
feel
like
the
end
of
the
world,
but
in
reality,
it's
just
the
beginning
of
a
new
chapter.
【#newbeginnings】
20.
No
matter
how
painful
the
journey,
remember
that
you
are
not
alone,
and
there's
always
hope
for
a
brighter
tomorrow.
【#alwaysbelieveinhope】