.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
a
beautiful
thing,
but
it
can
also
be
a
painful
regret.
"
【悔】
2.
"The
heart
wants
what
it
wants,
but
sometimes
what
it
wants
leads
to
heartbreak.
"
【爱情】
3.
"Regretting
a
past
love
is
like
torturing
yourself
with
memories
that
you
can't
change.
"
【过去】
4.
"It's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
have
never
loved
at
all,
but
it
still
hurts.
"
【痛苦】
5.
"Time
heals
all
wounds,
but
the
scars
of
lost
love
can
last
a
lifetime.
"
【伤痕】
6.
"Regretting
a
love
that's
gone
is
like
saying
goodbye
to
a
part
of
yourself.
"
【离别】
7.
"Love
can
be
a
rollercoaster
ride
of
emotions,
leaving
you
feeling
both
exhilarated
and
broken.
"
【情感】
8.
"Sometimes
the
hardest
thing
about
love
isn't
the
love
itself,
but
the
letting
go.
"
【分手】
9.
"Regret
is
a
painful
reminder
of
the
choices
we
didn't
make,
especially
when
it
comes
to
love.
"
【选择】
10.
"The
only
way
to
truly
move
on
from
lost
love
is
to
forgive
yourself
and
let
go
of
the
regret.
"
【放手】
11.
"Love
can
make
us
feel
alive,
but
it
can
also
make
us
question
everything
we
thought
we
knew
about
ourselves.
"
【疑惑】
12.
"Regretting
a
love
that's
gone
is
like
trying
to
hold
onto
the
wind
-
it
slips
through
your
fingers.
"
【无法挽回】
13.
"Love
is
never
simple,
and
sometimes
it's
the
regrets
that
teach
us
the
most.
"
【教训】
14.
"The
sadness
of
lost
love
can
sometimes
overshadow
all
the
beauty
that
came
before
it.
"
【伤感】
15.
"Regretting
a
lost
love
is
like
mourning
the
death
of
a
loved
one
-
it's
a
process
that
takes
time.
"
【悲伤】
16.
"It's
easy
to
focus
on
everything
we
did
wrong
in
love,
but
sometimes
we
need
to
give
ourselves
credit
for
what
we
did
right.
"
【自我肯定】
17.
"The
greatest
regret
in
love
is
not
taking
the
chance
to
love
at
all.
"
【错过】
18.
"Love
is
messy
and
imperfect,
but
sometimes
it's
those
imperfections
that
make
it
all
worth
it.
"
【完美的爱情不存在】
19.
"Regretting
a
lost
love
is
like
living
in
the
past
-
it
keeps
you
from
moving
forward.
"
【往前看】
20.
"In
the
end,
the
only
thing
that
really
matters
is
that
we
loved,
even
if
it
didn't
last
forever.
"
【回忆】