1.
"Disconnected
from
the
world,
yet
connected
to
my
thoughts.
"
【响彻的寂静】
2.
"The
sound
of
silence
is
deafening,
yet
therapeutic.
"【安静是黄昏里的悲伤】
3.
"Phone
off,
but
my
mind
is
buzzing
with
ideas.
"
【静默的内心】
4.
"Sometimes
the
best
thing
you
can
do
is
disconnect
to
reconnect.
"【纵情无言】
5.
"Taking
a
break
from
technology
and
connecting
with
nature
instead.
"【与自然共舞】
6.
"No
messages,
no
calls,
no
distractions
-
just
pure
uninterrupted
me
time.
"【我孤独却不寂寞】
7.
"In
a
world
that
never
stops
buzzing,
choose
to
hit
pause
for
a
moment.
"【微言大义】
8.
"Silence
is
not
always
a
bad
thing,
sometimes
it's
exactly
what
we
need.
"【寂静不是死寂,而是思维的渲染】
9.
"Disconnecting
is
not
about
missing
out,
it's
about
tuning
in
to
what
really
matters.
"【阳光正好,下午开始】
10.
"Going
off
the
grid
for
a
bit,
but
I'll
be
back
soon.
"
【揭开断触纱帐】
11.
"Turning
off
my
phone,
tuning
into
my
heart.
"
【安静的芳香】
12.
"When
was
the
last
time
you
disconnected?
Take
a
break
from
the
chaos
and
restore
your
soul.
"【宛若画中人】
13.
"Silence
is
a
refuge
for
a
restless
mind.
"【漫步林间的思绪】
14.
"Disconnecting
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness,
it's
a
sign
of
self-care.
"【细思自有道】
15.
"My
phone
is
off,
but
my
creativity
is
turned
on.
"【暂别喧嚣】
16.
"Sometimes
we
need
to
unplug
to
recharge.
"
【安详如画】
17.
"Silence
can
be
scary,
but
it
can
also
be
beautiful.
"【阳光抚着树荫斑驳的河面】
18.
"The
best
moments
happen
when
we
disconnect
from
technology
and
connect
with
people.
"【人在静默处定生忧】
19.
"Disconnecting
allows
us
to
connect
with
ourselves.
"【纯净的内心像雪一样清澈】
20.
"Embracing
the
power
of
quiet,
and
learning
to
love
the
sound
of
nothing.
"【寂静中有滋味】