1.
"Goodbye
to
the
old,
hello
to
the
new.
Let's
welcome
the
year
ahead
with
open
arms.
"
【2022跨年快乐】
2.
"May
the
fireworks
light
up
your
heart
and
the
joyous
moments
linger
in
your
memory.
"
【新年快乐】
3.
"As
we
count
down
the
seconds
to
midnight,
let's
remember
to
count
our
blessings
too.
"
【倒数结束,新年开始】
4.
"Another
year
gone,
but
the
memories
and
friendships
we've
made
will
last
a
lifetime.
"
【岁月匆匆,友谊长存】
5.
"Wishing
you
all
the
happiness,
health,
and
prosperity
the
new
year
can
bring.
"
【全新的一年,祝福满满】
6.
"The
end
of
one
year
marks
the
beginning
of
endless
possibilities.
Here's
to
making
it
count.
"
【新年伊始,无限可能】
7.
"Let's
embrace
the
new
year
with
a
sense
of
adventure
and
make
every
moment
count.
"
【迎接新的一年,让我们勇敢冒险】
8.
"As
we
ring
in
the
new
year,
let's
remember
to
cherish
the
moments
that
matter
most.
"
【新年钟声响起,珍爱每个瞬间】
9.
"May
the
coming
year
bring
new
hope,
new
possibilities
and
new
adventures.
"
【祝福全新的一年,迎接希望,开启新篇章】
10.
"As
we
reflect
on
the
past
year,
let's
also
look
ahead
with
optimism
and
excitement.
"
【回首过去,展望未来】
11.
"The
countdown
is
over,
let
the
celebrations
begin!
Here's
to
an
incredible
year
ahead.
"
【狂欢开始,2019年,加油】
12.
"No
matter
where
we
are
or
what
we
do,
our
friends
and
family
are
the
ones
who
make
life
worth
celebrating.
"
【祝福家人,朋友,健康幸福】
13.
"Let's
raise
a
toast
to
the
new
year
and
to
all
the
wonderful
things
it
has
in
store
for
us.
"
【举杯祝福,新年快乐】
14.
"A
new
beginning
is
always
a
chance
for
a
fresh
start.
Let's
make
it
a
great
one.
"
【新的开始,勇做美好】
15.
"May
the
coming
year
bring
us
all
the
happiness
we
deserve
and
all
the
luck
we
need.
"
【新年祝福,幸福并肩,好运相伴】
16.
"Here's
to
leaving
behind
the
old
and
embracing
the
new
with
open
hearts
and
open
minds.
"
【别过往,喜迎未来】
17.
"The
year
ahead
is
a
blank
slate
waiting
to
be
filled
with
all
our
wildest
dreams
and
aspirations.
"
【这是一张空白的画布,创造梦想与希望】
18.
"Let's
make
the
best
year
of
our
lives
yet,
filled
with
love,
laughter
and
endless
memories.
"
【让2022年成为我们最美好的一年】
19.
"As
we
step
into
the
new
year,
let's
leave
behind
all
the
negativity
and
embrace
all
the
positivity
life
has
to
offer.
"
【行进中的我们,抛弃负面,拥抱阳光】
20.
"A
new
year
is
like
a
fresh
start
to
a
book,
let's
write
a
great
story
and
make
it
a
best-seller.
"
【新年如一本翻开的书,让我们一起写下精彩的故事】