.jpg)
1.
"I
promise
to
always
be
there
for
you,
through
thick
and
thin.
"
【承诺】
2.
"I
vow
to
love
you,
cherish
you,
and
build
a
lifetime
of
happiness
with
you.
"
【爱情】
3.
"I
promise
to
respect
and
honor
the
person
you
are,
and
the
person
you
will
become.
"
【尊重】
4.
"I
will
never
give
up
on
us,
even
when
things
get
tough.
"
【坚持】
5.
"I
commit
to
growing
with
you,
and
supporting
your
dreams.
"
【支持】
6.
"I
promise
to
do
my
best
to
make
you
feel
loved
and
appreciated
every
day.
"
【关爱】
7.
"I
vow
to
be
your
partner,
your
confidant,
and
your
best
friend.
"
【伴侣】
8.
"I
promise
to
never
take
your
love
for
granted,
and
to
always
cherish
it.
"
【珍惜】
9.
"I
commit
to
building
a
home
full
of
warmth,
love,
and
laughter
with
you.
"
【温馨】
10.
"I
promise
to
be
your
rock,
your
shelter,
and
your
safe
haven.
"
【安全】
11.
"I
vow
to
celebrate
the
good
times
and
stick
together
through
the
bad.
"
【共同】
12.
"I
promise
to
be
patient,
understanding,
and
forgiving
when
mistakes
are
made.
"
【宽容】
13.
"I
commit
to
being
honest,
faithful,
and
loyal
in
our
relationship.
"
【忠诚】
14.
"I
promise
to
communicate
openly
and
listen
attentively
to
what
you
have
to
say.
"
【沟通】
15.
"I
vow
to
work
hard
at
our
relationship,
and
to
never
take
it
for
granted.
"
【努力】
16.
"I
promise
to
always
find
ways
to
make
you
smile,
and
to
never
make
you
cry.
"
【快乐】
17.
"I
commit
to
being
your
cheerleader,
your
motivator,
and
your
encourager.
"
【鼓励】
18.
"I
vow
to
love
you
more
today
than
did
yesterday,
and
to
continue
doing
so
every
day.
"
【持续】
19.
"I
promise
to
be
your
partner
in
all
life's
adventures,
big
and
small.
"
【伙伴】
20.
"I
commit
to
spending
the
rest
of
my
life
making
you
happy,
and
filling
our
days
with
love.
"
【终生】