.jpg)
1.
"As
we
say
goodbye
to
this
unforgettable
conference,
let's
embrace
the
memories
and
carry
on
with
the
inspiration
it
has
brought
us.
"【结束会议,收获回忆,继续前行】
2.
"The
end
of
this
conference
marks
the
beginning
of
our
journey
towards
pursuing
excellence,
fueled
by
the
knowledge
and
ideas
we've
shared.
"【会议结束,开启追求卓越的征程】
3.
"Farewell
to
this
gathering
of
exceptional
minds,
may
we
all
continue
to
push
boundaries
and
create
impact
in
our
respective
fields.
"【告别这个杰出头脑的聚集地,让我们继续突破界限,在各自的领域产生影响】
4.
"Let
the
insights
and
connections
gained
from
this
conference
be
a
guiding
light
towards
a
brighter
future
for
all
of
us.
"【让从会议中获得的洞见和联系,成为我们迈向更加美好未来的指引之光】
5.
"This
conference
may
have
come
to
an
end,
but
the
impact
it
has
left
on
us
will
continue
to
shape
our
actions
and
decisions
moving
forward.
"【会议结束了,但它留下的影响将继续塑造我们的行动和决策】
6.
"Let
us
bid
goodbye
to
the
eloquent
speakers,
the
invigorating
discussions,
and
the
unforgettable
experiences
that
this
conference
has
blessed
us
with.
"【告别这个让人印象深刻的会议,它带给我们精彩演讲、激动人心的讨论和难忘的经验】
7.
"May
the
bonds
we've
formed
and
the
lessons
we've
learned
from
this
conference
be
the
seeds
that
will
bear
fruitful
outcomes
in
our
personal
and
professional
lives.
"【愿我们从会议中建立的联系和学到的教训,成为在个人和职业生涯中取得丰硕成果的种子】
8.
"This
conference
has
helped
us
expand
our
horizons,
inspired
us
to
aim
higher,
and
given
us
the
courage
to
chase
our
dreams.
"【这场会议扩展了我们的视野,激励我们向更高追求,为追逐梦想赋予了勇气】
9.
"The
closing
of
this
conference
is
not
the
end,
but
it's
the
start
of
a
new
chapter
in
our
quest
for
knowledge,
growth,
and
impact.
"【会议的结束并不是终点,而是我们探求知识、成长和影响力的新篇章的开端】
10.
"As
we
head
back
home,
let's
carry
with
us
the
passion,
energy,
and
commitment
to
make
a
positive
difference
in
the
world.
"【当我们回家时,让我们带着热情、活力和承诺,为世界带来积极的改变】
11.
"Through
this
conference,
we've
realized
that
every
voice
matters,
that
every
idea
has
the
potential
to
create
change,
and
that
every
action
counts.
"【从这个会议中,我们感知到每个声音的重要性,每个想法创造变革的潜力,每个行动都有作为】
12.
"This
conference
has
been
a
valuable
reminder
that
the
pursuit
of
knowledge
is
never-ending,
and
that
there's
always
room
for
growth
and
improvement.
"
【这次会议是一次宝贵的提醒,知识的追求永远不会停止,成长和改进的空间永远存在】
13.
"The
ideas
exchanged
and
the
connections
made
during
this
conference
will
continue
to
inspire
us
towards
a
future
filled
with
possibilities.
"【这个会议中交换的想法和建立的联系,将继续激励我们走向充满可能的未来】
14.
"As
we
bid
farewell
to
this
conference,
let
us
remember
that
the
impact
we
make
in
our
daily
lives
can
ripple
towards
a
greater
good.
"【当我们告别这个会议时,请记住我们在日常生活中产生的影响,它们可以造福更多人】
15.
"The
closing
of
this
conference
is
not
the
end,
but
it's
the
beginning
of
an
era
of
collaboration,
creativity,
and
innovation.
"【会议的结束并不是终点,而是合作、创造和创新的新时代的开端】
16.
"This
conference
has
reignited
our
passion
for
our
respective
fields,
and
equipped
us
with
the
necessary
tools
to
make
a
significant
impact.
"【这次会议重新点燃了我们对自己领域的热情,并为我们赢得了产生显著影响的必要工具】
17.
"The
end
of
this
conference
signifies
the
beginning
of
a
journey
towards
a
more
sustainable,
equitable,
and
inclusive
future
for
all.
"【会议的结束标志着我们走向一个更可持续、公平和包容的未来的旅程的开端】
18.
"As
this
conference
comes
to
a
close,
let
us
celebrate
the
accomplishments,
cherish
the
memories,
and
move
forward
with
a
sense
of
purpose
and
direction.
"【当这个会议结束时,让我们庆祝成就,珍惜回忆,并怀着目标和方向继续前行】
19.
"Let
us
bid
farewell
to
this
conference,
knowing
that
we
have
gained
not
only
knowledge,
but
also
lifelong
friendships
and
unforgettable
experiences.
"【让我们告别这个会议,知道我们不仅获得了知识,还建立了终身的友谊和难忘的经历】
20.
"The
end
of
this
conference
marks
the
beginning
of
a
new
phase
of
our
lives,
filled
with
opportunities,
challenges,
and
growth.
"【会议的结束标志着我们人生的新阶段的开始,充满机遇、挑战和成长】