.jpg)
1.
Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind.
It
does
not
envy,
it
does
not
boast,
it
is
not
proud.
【1
Corinthians
13:4】
2.
You
have
captured
my
heart,
my
treasure,
my
bride.
You
hold
it
hostage
with
one
glance
of
your
eyes,
with
a
single
jewel
of
your
necklace.
【Song
of
Solomon
4:9】
3.
Two
are
better
than
one,
because
they
have
a
good
return
for
their
labor:
If
either
of
them
falls
down,
one
can
help
the
other
up.
【Ecclesiastes
4:9-10】
4.
Husbands,
love
your
wives,
just
as
Christ
loved
the
church
and
gave
himself
up
for
her.
【Ephesians
5:25】
5.
Above
all,
love
each
other
deeply,
because
love
covers
over
a
multitude
of
sins.
【1
Peter
4:8】
6.
Many
waters
cannot
quench
love;
rivers
cannot
sweep
it
away.
If
one
were
to
give
all
the
wealth
of
one’s
house
for
love,
it
would
be
utterly
scorned.
【Song
of
Solomon
8:7】
7.
Love
never
fails.
But
where
there
are
prophecies,
they
will
cease;
where
there
are
tongues,
they
will
be
stilled;
where
there
is
knowledge,
it
will
pass
away.
【1
Corinthians
13:8】
8.
Let
love
and
faithfulness
never
leave
you;
bind
them
around
your
neck,
write
them
on
the
tablet
of
your
heart.
【Proverbs
3:3】
9.
There
is
no
fear
in
love.
But
perfect
love
drives
out
fear,
because
fear
has
to
do
with
punishment.
The
one
who
fears
is
not
made
perfect
in
love.
【1
John
4:18】
10.
have
found
the
one
whom
my
soul
loves.
【Song
of
Solomon
3:4】
11.
So
God
created
man
in
his
own
image,
in
the
image
of
God
he
created
him;
male
and
female
he
created
them.
【Genesis
1:27】
12.
But
the
fruit
of
the
Spirit
is
love,
joy,
peace,
forbearance,
kindness,
goodness,
faithfulness,
gentleness
and
self-control.
Against
such
things
there
is
no
law.
【Galatians
5:22-23】
13.
Hatred
stirs
up
conflict,
but
love
covers
over
all
wrongs.
【Proverbs
10:12】
14.
This
is
how
we
know
what
love
is:
Jesus
Christ
laid
down
his
life
for
us.
And
we
ought
to
lay
down
our
lives
for
our
brothers
and
sisters.
【1
John
3:16】
15.
Love
is
not
self-seeking.
【1
Corinthians
13:5】
16.
Be
completely
humble
and
gentle;
be
patient,
bearing
with
one
another
in
love.
【Ephesians
4:2】
17.
Greater
love
has
no
one
than
this:
to
lay
down
one’s
life
for
one’s
friends.
【John
15:13】
18.
Before
formed
you
in
the
womb
knew
you,
before
you
were
born
set
you
apart;
appointed
you
as
a
prophet
to
the
nations.
【Jeremiah
1:5】
19.
Dear
friends,
let
us
love
one
another,
for
love
comes
from
God.
Everyone
who
loves
has
been
born
of
God
and
knows
God.
【1
John
4:7】
20.
Trust
in
the
Lord
with
all
your
heart
and
lean
not
on
your
own
understanding;
in
all
your
ways
submit
to
him,
and
he
will
make
your
paths
straight.
【Proverbs
3:5-6】