.jpg)
1.
Sometimes
the
only
way
to
heal
your
broken
heart
is
to
just
let
yourself
feel
the
pain.
【#heartbreak】
2.
It
hurts
when
you
realize
that
the
person
you
thought
was
your
better
half
was
never
meant
to
be.
【#saddness】
3.
broken
heart
is
a
heavy
burden
to
carry,
but
don't
let
it
define
you.
【#healing】
4.
The
pain
of
losing
someone
can
never
be
put
into
words,
but
we
must
learn
to
cope
with
the
void
they
left
behind.
【#grief】
5.
Time
may
heal
all
wounds,
but
the
scars
will
remain
as
a
reminder
of
what
we've
been
through.
【#scarred】
6.
Sometimes
we
hold
onto
things
that
are
already
gone,
and
it's
time
to
let
them
go.
【#lettinggo】
7.
It
takes
a
lot
of
courage
to
start
over
again
after
getting
hurt.
【#courage】
8.
Sometimes
the
people
who
hurt
us
the
most
are
the
ones
we
love
the
most.
【#betrayal】
9.
Moving
on
doesn't
mean
forgetting,
it
means
accepting
what
happened
and
living
in
the
present.
【#movingon】
10.
There's
nothing
wrong
with
taking
time
for
yourself
to
heal
and
grow.
【#selfcare】
11.
The
heart
wants
what
it
wants,
but
it's
up
to
us
to
decide
whether
or
not
it's
worth
the
pain.
【#love】
12.
Sometimes
we
give
everything
to
someone
who
will
never
appreciate
us,
and
that's
okay.
We
learn
and
we
grow.
【#lessonlearned】
13.
We
all
have
scars,
some
just
run
a
little
deeper.
【#hope】
14.
Pain
changes
people,
but
it's
up
to
us
to
decide
how
we
want
to
be
changed.
【#change】
15.
It's
okay
to
cry,
to
scream,
to
feel.
Emotions
are
a
part
of
the
healing
process.
【#emotions】
16.
No
matter
how
much
we
try
to
avoid
it,
pain
is
a
necessary
part
of
life.
It
helps
us
grow
and
learn.
【#growth】
17.
It's
not
weak
to
admit
that
you're
hurting,
it's
brave.
It
means
you're
facing
your
emotions
head
on.
【#bravery】
18.
The
hardest
part
about
letting
go
is
realizing
that
some
people
just
aren't
meant
to
stay
in
our
lives.
【#letgo】
19.
Sometimes
the
best
thing
we
can
do
for
ourselves
is
to
walk
away
from
the
things
that
are
hurting
us.
【#selflove】
20.
At
the
end
of
the
day,
the
only
person
who
can
truly
heal
you
is
yourself.
【#selfhealing】