.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
just
a
cruel
game,
played
by
those
who
want
to
feel
alive.
"
【悲伤】
2.
"The
more
try
to
hold
on
to
love,
the
faster
it
slips
away
from
my
grasp.
"
【绝望】
3.
"Every
time
fell
in
love,
ended
up
with
a
broken
heart.
So,
now
I'm
done
trying.
"
【失望】
4.
"Love
is
just
an
illusion,
a
trick
played
by
our
hearts
to
make
us
believe
in
something
that
doesn't
exist.
"
【幻觉】
5.
"Love
is
not
real,
it's
just
a
figment
of
our
imagination,
a
dream
that
we
never
wake
up
from.
"
【错觉】
6.
"I
used
to
believe
in
love,
but
now
know
better.
Love
is
just
a
lie
we
tell
ourselves
to
feel
better
about
our
loneliness.
"
【痛苦】
7.
"Love
is
like
a
poison,
it
kills
you
slowly,
but
surely,
until
there's
nothing
left
of
you.
"
【劫持】
8.
"The
more
love
someone,
the
more
they
hurt
me.
So,
stopped
loving
altogether.
"
【撤销】
9.
"Love
is
just
an
act
we
put
on
to
fool
ourselves
and
others.
But
in
the
end,
we're
just
fooling
ourselves.
"
【虚伪】
10.
"I
thought
love
was
the
answer
to
all
my
problems,
but
it
turned
out
to
be
the
source
of
all
my
pain.
"
【偏见】
11.
"Love
is
like
a
tumor,
it
spreads
throughout
your
body
and
consumes
you
completely.
"
【侵蚀】
12.
"I've
been
hurt
so
many
times
in
the
name
of
love,
that
now
the
mere
thought
of
it
makes
me
sick.
"
【反感】
13.
"Love
is
a
trap,
a
prison
we
willingly
lock
ourselves
in,
only
to
realize
too
late
that
we
can
never
escape.
"
【束缚】
14.
"I
thought
love
was
supposed
to
make
me
feel
complete,
but
instead
it
left
me
empty
and
broken.
"
【毁灭】
15.
"I
used
to
think
love
was
beautiful,
but
now
see
it
for
what
it
truly
is:
a
curse.
"
【惊醒】
16.
"Love
is
just
a
mirage,
a
shimmering
illusion
that
disappears
as
soon
as
you
reach
out
to
touch
it.
"
【幻影】
17.
"I've
given
my
all
to
love,
but
it
has
only
taken
everything
from
me
in
return.
"
【出卖】
18.
"Love
is
a
game
of
chance,
and
I've
lost
every
time
I've
played.
"
【失利】
19.
"Love
is
like
a
storm,
it
comes
suddenly
and
leaves
a
trail
of
destruction
in
its
wake.
"
【飓风】
20.
"I
used
to
believe
in
happily
ever
after,
but
now
know
that
love
only
leads
to
heartbreak
and
despair.
"
【颓废】