.jpg)
1.
"The
warm
glow
of
the
street
lamps
lit
up
the
night,
a
comforting
blanket
spread
over
the
city.
"
【美丽的晚上,路灯温暖的光,城市上铺着舒适的毯子。
】
2.
"Walking
under
the
soft
light
of
the
street
lamps
felt
like
walking
through
a
dreamworld.
"
【走在柔和的路灯下感觉就像漫步在梦幻世界里。
】
3.
"The
night
comes
alive
under
the
gentle
hum
of
the
streetlights,
casting
a
serene
and
peaceful
atmosphere
over
everything.
"
【晚上在路灯的低吟声中变得活跃起来,给一切都带来宁静和平。
】
4.
"The
street
lamps
illuminated
the
path
forward,
guiding
me
through
the
darkness
with
its
gentle
radiance.
"
【路灯照亮前方的道路,用它温柔的光芒引导我穿过黑暗。
】
5.
"The
flickering
of
the
street
lamps
seemed
to
dance
with
the
wind,
creating
a
mesmerizing
show
for
those
who
dared
to
look
up.
"
【路灯的闪烁似乎和风起舞一般,给敢于抬头观看的人们带来迷人的表演。
】
6.
"Like
beacons
in
the
night,
the
street
lamps
beckoned
me
to
follow
their
light
and
find
my
way
home.
"
【就像夜晚的灯塔,路灯引领我跟随它们的光芒找到回家的路。
】
7.
"The
soft
glow
of
the
street
lamps
created
beautiful
shadows
on
the
walls,
adding
an
artistic
touch
to
the
city.
"
【路灯柔和的光芒在墙上创造了美丽的阴影,为城市增添了一份艺术的气息。
】
8.
"Walking
down
the
street
under
the
warm
yellow
light
made
me
feel
like
was
in
a
cozy
bubble
that
shielded
me
from
the
outside
world.
"
【走在温暖的黄色光下,让我感觉自己处在一个舒适的泡泡里,隔绝了外界的喧嚣。
】
9.
"The
street
lamps
stood
like
sentinels
along
the
road,
guarding
the
peace
and
safety
of
the
city.
"
【路灯像哨兵一样守卫着道路,保卫城市的和平和安全。
】
10.
"The
shimmer
of
the
street
lamps
on
the
wet
pavement
created
a
mirror-like
effect,
reflecting
the
beauty
of
the
city
in
its
own
way.
"
【湿润的路面上路灯的闪烁产生了一种镜面效果,以它自己的方式反映了城市的美。
】
11.
"The
orange
glow
of
the
street
lamps
combined
with
the
cool
breeze
made
for
a
perfect
night
to
simply
wander
the
city
streets
and
lose
oneself.
"
【路灯温暖的橙色光和凉爽的微风让这晚上变成漫步城市街道,迷失自己的完美时刻。
】
12.
"The
street
lamps
cast
long
shadows
across
the
road,
creating
a
mysterious
and
intriguing
landscape.
"
【路灯在路上投下长长的影子,创造出一个神秘而迷人的景色。
】
13.
"Under
the
street
lamps,
the
world
seemed
to
slow
down,
allowing
me
to
appreciate
its
beauty
in
a
whole
new
light.
"
【在路灯下,世界似乎减缓了速度,让我以一种全新的方式欣赏它的美。
】
14.
"As
the
night
grew
darker,
the
street
lamps
became
beacons
of
hope,
lighting
the
way
to
a
brighter
tomorrow.
"
【夜晚变得更加黑暗,路灯变成了希望的灯塔,为明天的更美好照亮前方的道路。
】
15.
"The
warm
glow
of
the
street
lamps
created
a
romantic
atmosphere,
perfect
for
a
moonlit
walk
with
that
special
someone.
"
【路灯的温暖光芒创造了浪漫的氛围,非常适合夜晚和特别的人散步。
】
16.
"The
world
under
the
street
lamps
was
a
magical
one,
where
anything
felt
possible
and
dreams
could
come
true.
"
【在路灯下的世界是一个神奇的世界,一切似乎都是可能的,梦想可以成真。
】
17.
"The
street
lamps
provided
a
sense
of
security
in
the
darkness,
like
a
friend
who
would
never
leave
you
alone.
"
【路灯在黑暗中给人们提供一种安全感,就像一个永远不会离开你的朋友。
】
18.
"Walking
alongside
the
street
lamps
made
me
feel
like
was
in
a
fairytale,
where
everything
was
possible
and
anything
could
happen.
"
【在路灯旁边走让我感觉自己像置身于童话般的世界,一切都是可能的,什么都可能发生。
】
19.
"The
street
lamps
shone
like
stars
on
earth,
guiding
us
through
the
night
with
their
gentle
radiance.
"
【路灯就像地球上的星星一样闪耀着,用它们温柔的光芒引导我们穿过黑夜。
】
20.
"Under
the
soft
glow
of
the
street
lamps,
the
city
seemed
to
come
alive
in
a
whole
new
way,
full
of
possibility
and
wonder.
"
【在路灯的柔和光芒下,城市似乎以一种全新的方式变得生动起来,充满了可能性和奇迹。
】