.jpg)
1.
Life
is
fleeting,
just
like
snow,
it
comes
and
goes
in
an
instant.
【LifeLikeSnow】
2.
The
beauty
of
life
is
like
freshly
fallen
snow,
pure
and
pristine.
【BeautyOfLife】
3.
Like
snow
melting
away,
life
is
about
letting
go
of
what
no
longer
serves
us.
【LettingGo】
4.
Just
like
snow,
life
is
unpredictable,
we
must
learn
to
adapt
and
embrace
change.
【AdaptToChange】
5.
Each
day
is
like
a
new
snowflake,
unique
and
different
from
the
one
before
it.
【NewDayNewSnowflake】
6.
Like
walking
on
freshly
fallen
snow,
life
is
a
journey
filled
with
wonder
and
surprises.
【JourneyOfLife】
7.
In
life,
every
setback
is
just
a
snowflake,
it
will
melt
away
and
make
way
for
new
beginnings.
【NewBeginnings】
8.
Life
is
like
a
snowball,
it's
what
we
do
with
it
that
makes
it
bigger
or
smaller.
【MakeItCount】
9.
Like
a
snowstorm,
life
can
seem
chaotic
and
overwhelming,
but
ultimately
it
will
pass.
【ThisTooShallPass】
10.
Just
as
snowflakes
come
together
to
form
a
beautiful
landscape,
our
experiences
in
life
shape
who
we
are.
【ShapingExperience】
11.
Life
is
like
a
snow
globe,
just
when
we
think
we
have
it
all
figured
out,
it
gets
shaken
up
again.
【ShakenUp】
12.
Like
a
snow-covered
mountain,
life
can
be
challenging,
but
the
view
from
the
top
is
worth
it.
【ChallengingButWorthIt】
13.
Life
is
like
a
snow
cone,
it's
the
variety
of
flavors
that
make
it
sweet.
【VarietyIsTheSpiceOfLife】
14.
We
must
enjoy
life
like
we
enjoy
freshly
fallen
snow,
with
childlike
wonder
and
curiosity.
【ChildlikeWonder】
15.
Like
a
snow
angel,
the
impression
we
leave
on
others
in
life
can
be
beautiful
and
lasting.
【LeavingAnImpression】
16.
Unlike
snow,
life
doesn't
disappear
completely,
our
impact
on
the
world
lives
on.
【OurImpact】
17.
Just
as
snowflakes
vary
in
shape
and
size,
our
individuality
is
what
makes
life
interesting.
【EmbraceIndividuality】
18.
Life
can
be
like
a
snowball
fight,
messy
and
fun,
but
ultimately
it's
about
enjoying
the
moment.
【EnjoyTheMoment】
19.
Like
a
snow-covered
tree,
life
can
be
beautiful
in
all
seasons,
even
during
the
darkest
of
times.
【BeautyInAllSeasons】
20.
In
a
world
full
of
snow,
be
the
unique
snowflake
that
stands
out
and
makes
a
difference.
【BeTheDifference】