.jpg)
1.
Sometimes
the
quietest
people
have
the
loudest
minds.
【#Introverts】
2.
Don't
judge
someone
based
on
how
they
look
or
act,
they
might
be
going
through
something
you
know
nothing
about.
【#Don'tJudge】
3.
It's
impossible
to
truly
understand
someone
until
you've
walked
in
their
shoes.
【#Empathy】
4.
Someone
who
seems
tough
on
the
outside
could
be
hiding
a
lot
of
pain
on
the
inside.
【#HiddenPain】
5.
Just
because
someone
is
confident
doesn't
mean
they
aren't
struggling
with
insecurities.
【#ConfidenceVsInsecurity】
6.
You
can't
judge
a
book
by
its
cover,
the
real
story
is
found
within
the
pages.
【#DontJudge】
7.
Appearances
can
be
deceiving,
it's
important
to
get
to
know
someone
beyond
what
you
see.
【#LookBeyond】
8.
Introverts
might
seem
distant,
but
they
have
a
lot
going
on
internally.
【#Introverts】
9.
You
never
know
what
someone
is
going
through,
so
always
be
kind.
【#BeKind】
10.
Don't
assume
you
know
someone
based
on
their
social
media
presence.
【#SocialMediaNotReality】
11.
Just
because
someone
is
outgoing
doesn't
mean
they
aren't
struggling
with
anxiety.
【#OutgoingAnxiety】
12.
It's
important
to
understand
that
everyone
has
their
own
battles
to
fight.
【#EveryoneFightsABattle】
13.
Being
sensitive
isn't
a
weakness,
it's
a
strength.
【#SensitiveStrength】
14.
Judging
someone
doesn't
define
them,
it
defines
you.
【#Judgement】
15.
Always
give
people
the
benefit
of
the
doubt.
【#BenefitOfTheDoubt】
16.
person's
value
isn't
determined
by
their
popularity
or
status.
【#Value】
17.
Don't
underestimate
someone
based
on
their
quiet
nature,
they
may
surprise
you.
【#QuietPower】
18.
The
best
way
to
get
to
know
someone
is
by
listening
to
their
story.
【#Listen】
19.
Don't
assume
you
know
someone
based
on
their
past,
people
change.
【#PeopleChange】
20.
Life
is
too
short
to
judge
others,
let's
focus
on
spreading
love
and
positivity.
【#SpreadLove】