.jpg)
1.
"Nothing
beats
the
feeling
of
serving
our
country
with
honor
and
integrity.
"
【官场人生】
2.
"Another
day,
another
opportunity
to
make
a
positive
impact
in
my
community.
"
【公务员之路】
3.
"Being
in
a
position
of
power
and
authority
means
more
responsibility,
but
also
more
opportunities
to
do
good.
"
【领导干部思考】
4.
"I
may
not
have
all
the
answers,
but
as
an
elected
official,
will
work
tirelessly
to
find
them.
"
【选民信仰】
5.
"It's
an
honor
to
represent
the
people
of
my
district
and
fight
for
their
rights
and
interests.
"
【民心所向】
6.
"Serving
the
public
requires
patience,
empathy,
and
a
willingness
to
listen
and
learn.
"
【公仆精神】
7.
"Leadership
is
more
than
just
a
title
-
it's
a
commitment
to
excellence
and
ethics
in
all
that
we
do.
"
【领袖风范】
8.
"The
best
way
to
lead
is
by
example
-
by
living
up
to
the
values
we
espouse
and
holding
ourselves
accountable.
"
【为民分忧】
9.
"We
all
have
a
responsibility
to
use
our
positions
of
power
and
privilege
for
the
greater
good.
"
【众志成城】
10.
"Being
a
public
servant
means
putting
the
needs
of
others
before
our
own
and
working
towards
a
common
goal.
"
【胸怀大局】
11.
"Every
day,
wake
up
grateful
for
the
opportunity
to
make
a
difference
in
the
lives
of
my
constituents.
"
【心向民生】
12.
"Being
a
leader
means
having
the
courage
to
make
tough
decisions
and
the
humility
to
admit
when
we're
wrong.
"
【不负使命】
13.
"I
may
be
just
one
person,
but
together
with
my
colleagues
and
community,
we
can
achieve
great
things.
"
【团结合作】
14.
"As
an
elected
official,
am
accountable
to
the
people
and
must
always
act
in
their
best
interests.
"
【以民为本】
15.
"The
greatest
reward
of
public
service
is
the
opportunity
to
improve
the
lives
of
those
around
us.
"
【奉献社会】
16.
"In
the
face
of
adversity,
we
must
remain
steadfast
in
our
commitment
to
our
principles
and
our
people.
"
【守正创新】
17.
"As
leaders,
we
must
set
the
bar
high
for
ourselves
and
work
tirelessly
to
exceed
it.
"
【追求卓越】
18.
"Working
for
the
government
is
not
just
a
job
-
it's
a
calling
to
serve
something
greater
than
ourselves.
"
【理想信念】
19.
"I
may
not
have
all
the
answers,
but
will
always
seek
to
learn
and
grow
as
a
leader
and
as
a
person.
"
【虚怀若谷】
20.
"Public
service
is
a
noble
calling
-
one
that
requires
passion,
dedication,
and
a
deep
sense
of
purpose.
"
【坚守信念】