1.
"Stars
may
fall,
but
their
beauty
and
light
will
remain
etched
in
our
hearts.
"
【美丽从未消逝】
2.
"Even
in
their
descent,
stars
illuminate
the
world
around
them.
"
【星光仍照亮世界】
3.
"The
fall
of
a
star
is
a
reminder
to
cherish
the
moments
of
brilliance
in
our
own
lives.
"
【珍爱我们人生中的辉煌时刻】
4.
"As
one
star
falls,
countless
more
continue
to
shine
brightly
in
the
night
sky.
"
【夜空中仍有无数熠熠星光】
5.
"A
falling
star
is
a
symbol
of
life's
fleeting
nature
and
the
beauty
of
impermanence.
"
【逝者如斯,美丽短暂】
6.
"In
the
darkness
of
a
star's
descent,
there
is
always
the
promise
of
a
new
dawn.
"
【黑暗中,总有新希望】
7.
"The
journey
of
a
star
is
not
defined
by
its
fall,
but
by
the
trail
of
light
it
leaves
behind.
"
【一个巨星的旅程不止于陨落,更要留下美光】
8.
"The
fall
of
a
star
reminds
us
that
even
the
most
magnificent
things
in
life
are
not
permanent.
"
【巨星的陨落,提醒我们一切美妙早已不再】
9.
"A
star's
descent
may
mark
the
end
of
its
physical
existence,
but
its
impact
and
influence
live
on.
"
【夜空中落下一颗巨星,虽逝去但影响深远】
10.
"In
the
wake
of
a
falling
star,
we
are
reminded
of
the
fragility
and
preciousness
of
life.
"
【巨星陨落,提醒我们珍惜生命的脆弱和宝贵】
11.
"The
fall
of
a
star
is
a
moment
to
pause,
reflect,
and
appreciate
the
wonder
of
the
universe.
"
【看着星星从天而降,让我们为宇宙的奇妙绽放而感到惊叹】
12.
"Just
as
stars
continue
to
shine
after
their
fall,
our
loved
ones
continue
to
illuminate
our
lives
even
after
they
are
gone.
"
【巨星陨落后仍闪烁,我们所爱的人离去也同样如此】
13.
"The
fall
of
one
star
reminds
us
of
the
countless
others
that
light
up
our
world
every
day.
"
【陨落一颗星,点亮无数人生】
14.
"In
the
beauty
of
a
falling
star,
we
find
solace
in
the
fact
that
even
in
endings
there
can
be
magic.
"
【在落下的星中,我们找到了安慰。
即使结束亦可留下美丽】
15.
"The
fall
of
a
star
is
a
reminder
that
everything
in
life
has
a
beginning,
middle,
and
end.
"
【巨星陨落,提醒我们一切生命都有始有终】
16.
"As
one
star
falls,
another
illuminates
the
sky,
reminding
us
of
the
infinite
cycle
of
life.
"
【夜空中星星陨落,更多璀璨登场,提醒我们生命周而复始】
17.
"The
fall
of
a
star
is
a
moment
to
appreciate
the
beauty
in
imperfection
and
transience.
"
【星陨掀起美丽,无悔无怨短暂与缺陷】
18.
"A
falling
star
may
mark
the
end
of
one
journey,
but
it
signals
the
beginning
of
something
new.
"
【星星陨落,即是某役之尽,亦是某事之始】
19.
"As
stars
fall
from
the
sky,
they
remind
us
to
look
up
and
appreciate
the
vastness
and
majesty
of
the
universe.
"
【夜空中星星纷落,提醒我们抬头,欣赏宇宙的壮美】
20.
"In
the
fall
of
a
star,
we
find
both
beauty
and
loss,
reminding
us
of
the
bittersweet
nature
of
existence.
"
【星星陨落,有美丽,有失落,提醒我们生命复杂的甘甜】